Читать книгу The Fussy Baby Book: Parenting your high-need child from birth to five - Martha Sears - Страница 13



Hayden was not a standard baby, and standard baby advice wouldn’t work. Once we regarded her not as a behaviour problem to be fixed but as a personality to be nurtured, living with her became easier.

We found we had to be selective in choosing people with whom to commiserate. When we discussed our parenting dilemmas with friends, we came away feeling as if Hayden were the only baby in the whole wide world who couldn’t satisfy herself during the day or settle herself at night. We concluded that no one could understand a baby like Hayden unless they’d had a baby like Hayden. Eventually, Martha found some like-minded mothers and surrounded herself with supportive friends. One of these women was a La Leche League leader who had recently moved to our community. A La Leche League group was started, and the mothers who came to the meetings gave and received valuable support.

The Fussy Baby Book: Parenting your high-need child from birth to five

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