Читать книгу Hölderlin's Hymns "Germania" and "The Rhine" - Martin Heidegger - Страница 9



We shall now read and listen to the poem “Germania.” The authoritative edition from which I shall cite is the six-volume edition of Norbert von Hellingrath and his friends.1 In von Hellingrath’s edition, Hölderlin’s entire work is distributed throughout the various volumes according to when the poems were composed. The letters are in each case ascribed to different periods and accordingly arranged throughout the various volumes. This is wholly appropriate to the character of Hölderlin’s letters, which belong entirely to his work. Perhaps the German youth will one day come to remember the creator of their Hölderlin edition, Norbert von Hellingrath, who, at the age of twenty-eight, was killed in action at Verdun in 1916—or perhaps they will not.

The other critical edition by Franz Zinkernagel, which we must also necessarily employ in our actual work, collects all of Hölderlin’s letters together in volume four.2 Unfortunately we do not have the volume with the different versions.

Hölderlin's Hymns

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