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1.6 Prepare to change


An important part of this book is to help you identify what you need to change in order to manage time more effectively. But do you lack the motivation to change? Here are eight ideas to help you become more familiar with the idea of change in your life.

1 Try new ways of doing things. Move beyond the “I’ve always done it this way” mentality. You can begin with something relatively small, like driving a different way to work. Set realistic goals to make a small noticeable adjustment. Don’t get off at the closest bus stop to your work, for example, but the stop before and walk the rest of the way. If you can do that a couple of times a week, it’s a start.

2 Admit you don’t know everything. I have been helped by the saying, “It’s a strong person who admits their weaknesses”. This means you will listen more, acknowledge errors and be willing to receive feedback and learn from mistakes.

3 Ask more questions. Remember your underlying aims and goals, and think creatively about new ways to reach them.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”

Victor Frankl, Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor

4 Move on from past experiences. Learn from your past, but don’t worry about specific events unduly.

5 Don’t be afraid of failure. The American inventor Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

6 Build in regular reviews. These could be in advance of your regular appraisal.

7 Evaluate your goals. An aspect of setting goals is so that you can see if you are reaching them or not.

8 Use friends to help you change. Gather friends around you with whom you can share your goals and frustrations. Allow them to help you and guide you where necessary.

Mentally prepare yourself for new ways of doing things.

Time Management

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