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2.4 Overcome low motivation


Try to become aware of why you have low motivation at times. Learn to challenge the thoughts that prevent or stop you from moving on and actually completing a task.

Here are some common thoughts about poor motivation, and suggestions on how to deal with them:

 “I don’t feel like doing it.” Do what you know is right, regardless of your feelings. The day I left my office to discuss what turned out to be my first book, I ignored the internal thoughts buzzing around in my mind of “why are you bothering to go to this meeting?” It was good that I did go, as that book later sold many thousands of copies.

case study Marcus found himself sitting next to the CEO of his organization on a plane. Rather than panicking at the thought of talking to someone so high up in the company, he challenged the thoughts of failure and fear that he might say the wrong thing. He outlined, gently but clearly, what he saw as the organization’s strengths and weaknesses and how he saw the company’s future. The result was that, a few days later, he got a phone call which led ultimately to his promotion. By being firm with himself, Marcus kept his nerve and didn’t panic. He took a risk and spoke up, which paid off.

“I don’t know where to begin.” Cut up the task into smaller, more manageable units.

 “I don’t feel like working.” Set yourself simple tasks to complete. Imagine it’s a task you enjoy. Be firm with yourself, but then give yourself a reward when you have completed the task.

 “It’s boring.” Set yourself a time limit to complete part of the task in, say, ten minutes.

 “I work better just before a deadline.” Okay, that may be the case, but you can still plan your time better.

 “I’m afraid I’ll fail.” Remember that the person who never made mistakes never made anything. Don’t panic; think what is the worst that could happen? Learn from your past mistakes. Be courageous. If necessary, learn new skills.

 “I’ve always done it this way.” Take a risk. Do something differently. Think outside the box. Change your perspective. Innovation is an opportunity to grasp, not a threat. Grasp the opportunity.

Do what you know is right, regardless of your feelings of apathy.

Time Management

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