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2.1 Clarify your job


We all spend a lot of time being busy, but it is important to stop and be clear about what our job is all about. We can then think how effective we are at actually carrying out our job.

1 Write down what you think is the general purpose of your job. For example, to lead a team in providing excellent customer service over the telephone.

2 Now write down the main areas that together make up the general purpose of your job. For example: leadership; monitoring statistics; providing customer service; training and developing staff; time management; and monitoring staff performance by holding appraisals and one-to-one meetings.

3 Now write down the activities that you need to do to actually fulfil the work in the main areas you listed in the previous point. For example, training and developing staff: maintaining a training rota and booking time out for the team to do individual training and booking staff on any compulsory training.

one minute wonder Think about your team, if you have one. Are you sure that you are clear about how your job, areas and activities fit in with those of your colleagues? Are you vague about what your colleagues do themselves?

4 Now think about how you actually spend your time. Using what you have written in the first three points, how much of your time is spent fulfilling the general purpose, the main areas you listed and the actual activities? What would you like to do less of? What would you like to do more of? Hopefully, you are spending most of your time in this way, rather than in general administration, for example (unless this is your job).

5 If you work as part of a team, be clear about how your job, areas and activities fit in with those of your colleagues, your boss and any subordinate people working for you.

6 Review the first four points regularly with your boss and at your appraisals. Such meetings can be useful occasions for you to consider, for example, what is preventing you from fulfilling your main purpose and discover where you are getting sidetracked into other areas or activities.

Make sure that you actually spend most of your time on the main part of your job.

Time Management

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