Читать книгу Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book - Mary A. Wilson - Страница 12



One quart of water or half water and half milk, 80 degrees Fahrenheit,

Two yeast cakes,

Two and one-half quarts or two and one-half pounds of flour,

One ounce of sugar.

Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water and add the flour. Beat to thoroughly blend and then set aside to raise for three hours, then add

One ounce of salt,

One and one-half ounces of shortening,

One and one-half quarts or one and one-half pounds of flour.

Work to a smooth elastic dough. This takes usually about ten minutes, after the flour is worked into the dough. Place in a greased bowl and then turn over the dough to coat with shortening. This prevents a crust from forming on the dough. Set aside to raise for two hours and then pull the sides down to the centre of the dough and punch down. Turn the dough over and let raise for one and one-quarter hours.

Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book

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