Читать книгу The Holy Quran, English Translation, “Text Only” - Maulana Muhammad Ali - Страница 53

SECTION 5: Birth of Jesus and His Ministry


42 And when the angels said: O Mary, surely Allah has chosen thee and purified thee and chosen thee above the women of the world.

43 O Mary, be obedient to thy Lord and humble thyself and bow down with those who bow.

44 This is of the tidings of things unseen which We reveal to thee. And thou wast not with them when they cast their pens (to decide) which of them should have Mary in his charge, and thou wast not with them when they contended one with another.

45 When the angels said: O Mary, surely Allah gives thee good news with a word from Him (of one) whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, worthy of regard in this world and the Hereafter, and of those who are drawn nigh (to Allah),

46 And he will speak to the people when in the cradle and when of old age, and (he will be) one of the good ones.

47 She said: My Lord, how can I have a son and man has not yet touched me? He said: Even so; Allah creates what He pleases. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, Be, and it is.

48 And He will teach him the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel:

49 And (make him) a messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I determine for you out of dust the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird with Allah’s permission, and I heal the blind and the leprous, and bring the dead to life with Allah’s permission; and I inform you of what you should eat and what you should store in your houses. Surely there is a sign in this for you, if you are believers.

50 And (I am) a verifier of that which is before me of the Torah, and I allow you part of that which was forbidden to you; and I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so keep your duty to Allah and obey me.

51 Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him. This is the right path.

52 But when Jesus perceived disbelief on their part, he said: Who will be my helpers in Allah’s way? The disciples said: We are Allah’s helpers: we believe in Allah, and bear thou witness that we are submitting ones.

53 Our Lord, we believe in that which Thou hast revealed and we follow the messenger, so write us down with those who bear witness.

54 And (the Jews) planned and Allah (also) planned. And Allah is the best of planners.

The Holy Quran, English Translation, “Text Only”

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