Читать книгу Get the Vibe - Melissa Perry Moraja - Страница 10
Principle Two: Everything Affects and is Affected by You
ОглавлениеI have a high sensitivity to color. In fact, every year since I can remember, I’ve had a new color. And that color was the color that replaced all the other colors in my wardrobe and surroundings. In fact, I drove my mother crazy when it came time for her to purchase a gift for me. If the gift she purchased wasn’t in the color that resonated with me that year, I would either have to take it back or exchange it for a new color. It took her a few years to realize this wasn’t a childhood phase. By the time I entered junior high school, my mother made a ritual of keeping all the receipts just in case she purchased a gift in a color that for some unknown reason I just couldn’t wear or have around me. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that it was this new color that represented my personal energy vibe that year.
I also noticed that I was drawn to certain types of music depending on my mood. If I was in a sad mood, I would turn on songs like Hard To Say I’m Sorry by Chicago, Play Me by Neil Diamond, and Open Arms by Journey. If I was in an upbeat mood, I would turn on music like Dancing Queen by Abba, Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond, or More Than A Feeling by Boston. The music I listened to reflected my mood. What I wasn’t conscious of at that point in time was that the music I listened to continuously reinforced the energy vibe I was feeling—sad music for sad times and happy music for happy times.
During the same time period, I also became fascinated with the natural and universal laws—Law of Attraction, Law of Giving and Receiving, and the Law of Cause and Effect. This steered me in the direction of learning more about Isaac Newton’s and Albert Einstein’s theories. Through my research, I discovered Newton’s and Einstein’s theories apply not only on a physical level–a car moving at the speed of one hundred miles per hour will cause more physical damage than one at forty miles per hour–but also on a psychological emotional level. Below are their theories and examples of how each can be applied on an emotional and mental level.
Newton’s Theory of Motion states that in every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction, or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and act in opposite directions. This plays out all the time during an argument. For instance, your spouse walks in the door from a bad day at work and gives you that look. You then react by giving the same look back. From there your conversation escalates due to each of you feeding off of the others actions and reactions. The important factor with this law is to pay attention to how you react to a certain situation. Just because someone else is angry doesn’t mean you too have to respond in an angry manner. Think before you act and react.
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity tells you that time is not linear. It is relative. Because time is not linear, it is possible to perceive and experience events that have already occurred in the past and believed events that may occur in the future. For instance, there are adults who are experiencing the fears and emotions they had as children. Many of us know people who are having a difficult time moving past childhood abuse and neglect. These people are living every day of their life feeling and experiencing the pain they experienced 10, 20, and even 30 years earlier. If these people let go and healed those negative memories, they then could live life more fully, today. The answer is so simple, but the reality isn’t easy to achieve.
Einstein’s famous equation E= mc2 proved that when you come right down to it everything in the universe is energy–the physical plane of your reality of matter and the abstract reality of your mind are made up of energy patterns. As a result, not only is your physical body energy, but also your thoughts, ideas, dreams, and visions. This then proves that the power of visualization and manifestation works. If you can see it, then it can be created into physical form. Everything in the universe starts off as energy, and has the ability to be manifested as a physical object. It only takes one person to act on a vision to create a dream.
When looking at Newton’s and Einstein’s theories, you will come to learn that everything and everyone is connected because everything and everyone is made up of energy. Based on Newton’s and Einstein’s theories, if everything is energy, then your thoughts, your actions, and your emotions are all part of the cosmic puzzle of energy. As I continued researching how energy worked, I discovered that color and music are two energy vibes on the electromagnetic spectrum. Because both are made up of pure energy, they too have a direct effect on your emotions, attitude and behavior.
Throughout my entire life, I have instinctively felt the power that color and music have on my moods and behavior. This only reinforced my theory—color and music has a direct effect on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state—inspiring me to begin researching and studying energy.
As I wrote in my first book, Empower Your Soul-Create Balance in Your Life by Trusting Your Intuition, through my research on energy, I found that light is made up of energy waves which are grouped together in what is called an electromagnetic spectrum. I know this sounds a bit tedious and for some elementary, however, by understanding the basic building blocks of light and energy, you will be able to comprehend why everything around you affects you.
In continuing my research, I discovered that not all light beams on the electromagnetic spectrum have the same wavelength. The light beam with the longest wavelength and shortest frequency is seen by us as the color red. Going from longest to shortest wavelength on the spectrum of visible light, we have orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (violet has the shortest wavelength and highest frequency). It’s important to know that white is not a color. White actually makes up the colors of the rainbow.
Visible light isn’t the only type of energy vibrations that affect us. On one end of the spectrum you’ll find infrared and radio waves, while on the other end you’ll find x-rays and gamma rays. These types of rays (infrared waves, radio waves, x-rays, and gamma rays) are not visible to the human eye; however, it has been scientifically proven that these types of rays have a positive and negative effect on you. This then supports Principle Three: There is a positive and negative side to energy vibes.