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Contrasting popular enterprise blockchain implementations


Dozens of blockchain implementations are available today, and soon there will be hundreds. Each new blockchain implementation targets a specific market and offers unique features. There isn’t room in the book to cover even a fair number of blockchain implementations, but you should be aware of some of the most popular.

Remember that you’ll be learning about blockchain analytics in this book. Although organizations of all sizes are starting to leverage the power of analytics, enterprises were early adopters and have the most mature approach to extracting value from data.

The What Matrix website provides a comprehensive comparison of top enterprise blockchains. Visit www.whatmatrix.com/comparison/Blockchain-for-Enterprise for up-to-date blockchain information.

Following are the top enterprise blockchain implementations and some of their strengths and weaknesses (ranking is based on the What Matrix website):

 Hyperledger Fabric: The flagship blockchain implementation from the Linux Foundation. Hyperledger is an open-source project backed by a diverse consortium of large corporations. Hyperledger’s modular-based architecture and rich support make it the highest rated enterprise blockchain.

 VeChain: Currently more popular that Hyperledger, having the highest number of enterprise use cases among products reviewed by What Matrix. VeChain includes support for two native cryptocurrencies and states that its focus is on efficient enterprise collaboration.

 Ripple Transaction Protocol: A blockchain that focuses on financial markets. Instead of appealing to general use cases, Ripple caters to organizations that want to implement financial transaction blockchain apps. Ripple was the first commercially available blockchain focused on financial solutions.

 Ethereum: The most popular general-purpose, public blockchain implementation. Although Ethereum is not technically an enterprise solution, it's in use in multiple proof of concept projects.

The preceding list is just a brief overview of a small sample of blockchain implementations. If you’re just beginning to learn about blockchain technology in general, start out with Ethereum, which is one of the easier blockchain implementations to learn. After that, you can progress to another blockchain that may be better aligned with your organization.

Blockchain Data Analytics For Dummies

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