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Examining primary common business requirements


Now that you know some of blockchain's core features, it's important to also have a clear picture of your primary business requirements. The only appropriate blockchain use is when a blockchain feature aligns with a business requirement. Although many business requirements differ from one enterprise to another, some common requirements exist:

 Controlling and recording transactions: This requirement is the process of using applications and data systems to promote, control, and record the activities required to carry out a business operation. The act of recording activities documents some actions that change the state of the enterprise’s stored data.

 Reducing or eliminating excessive cost: Ongoing pursuits of enterprises that want to stay in business are to monitor the costs of operation and to identify and reduce (or eliminate) waste.

 Pursuing efficiency: Process efficiency can deliver the dual result of reducing cost and increasing quality. Both results are desirable to a profitable business operation.

 Preserving artifacts for analysis: Compliance, incident investigations, and analytics require the existence of historical transaction data. Collecting, managing, and archiving this type of data requires planning and ongoing resources.

 Protecting availability through redundancy: An enterprise’s information system assets have value only if they're accessible on demand by authorized individuals. The organization must enact plans to store and maintain redundant copies of critical data for when the primary data become inaccessible.

 Exposing data without compromising privacy: This business requirement is often the most problematic. Most enterprises place a high value on their data, whether it's regulated sensitive data or intellectual property. Sharing an enterprise’s data has value but is also risky. Sharing data in a manner that benefits the organization and its users is often a delicate balancing act.

Blockchain Data Analytics For Dummies

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