Читать книгу LIFE AFTER RUSSIAN ROULETTE: REDEMPTION - Michael Kaminski - Страница 1



As I reflect on my life, as I come to the end of the beginning of the journey into the depth of this book and account of my life, I confess that I still tend to compartmentalize most of my relationships and isolate friendships.

I still have deep inner trust issues with people and live with the understanding that I have always had very few people that I consider true friends. Maybe this is a way of protecting myself that I learned many years ago.

The faces of the people that I hurt still haunt me like ghosts from a past life and so I intentionally try to distance myself from people and use relationships to achieve goals in life.

How I understand and define true and complete love at this point in life is very different from the physical and sexual ways I identified with what I thought was love before my life with Sharon. With Sharon, I finally experienced an emotional state of love that transcended the physical limitations that most people settle for, desire, are comfortable with and accept in their relationships. Therefore, the primary person that I desire to dedicate this book is the woman I truly loved. Sharon gave me a precious gift in the very brief time we lived together in this life. Sharon taught me how to truly experience the power of love before she died. Her spirit and my love for her will live with me until the day I die in this world.

Paul Joseph Werner, my first partner and training officer in Narcotics probably had the most impact and effect in my life. My trust of PJ was unconditional. I trusted him with my life and he trusted me with his life. The night we cut our wrists and became blood brothers sealed our bond forever. He will always remain my brother in spirit.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge my love and gratitude for my parents, Michael and Alice Kaminski, for loving and supporting me throughout my life. They never really understood my actions or the reasons why I chose certain paths in life, but they loved me unconditionally. My parents never knew most of the decisions and work in which I was involved. They never knew about the dangerous situations I chose to create or the lifestyle I led at times. Moreover, they never asked any questions because they did not want to know the truth or the reality of my life.


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