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5. Hire an Accountant


There will be a little more to your business bookkeeping than you may think. It’s not quite as simple as balancing your checkbook. There will be specific things you will need to do and to set up to get your business up and running smoothly. Taxes are one of those areas that can be greatly affected by the way you set up the books.

My advice is to hire an accountant before you get started. Talk to the accountant about tax procedures, company structure, record keeping, accounting software, and any other accounting-related questions you may have. The accountant can also be a resource to you when it comes to planning the type of business structure you should choose. Your accountant will most likely ask you questions about your vision for the company and how big you want it to be so that he or she can help you make the right decisions up-front before your business gets going. The accountant can also help you set up your books in advance to prepare for your growth.

Your accountant can also help you find a competent bookkeeper to help you with the monthly bookkeeping if you choose to hire one. Although some accountants may provide this service to you, it’s advisable to have bookkeeping done independently by someone else subject to review by your accountant.

Start & Run a Graphic Design Business

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