Читать книгу Helena Rubinstein - Michele Fitoussi - Страница 23



1 Fabe, Maxene, Beauty Millionaire: The Life of Helena Rubinstein, Crowell, 1972.

2 Helena cited Eugenia Stone as a journalist from Sydney in My Life for Beauty, and the Sydney Morning Herald was one of the only papers to have a women’s supplement, so I have deduced that that was the publication she was writing for. She also worked for Table Talk in Melbourne.

3 O’Higgins, Madame, op. cit.

4 Vigarello, Georges, Histoire de la beauté: le corps et l’art d’embellir de la Renaissance à nos jours, Points Seuil, 2007.

5 Rubinstein, Helena, The Art of Feminine Beauty, op. cit.

Helena Rubinstein

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