Читать книгу Helena Rubinstein - Michele Fitoussi - Страница 9
Оглавление1 Helena’s year of birth is controversial; it is found in different sources as both 1870 and 1872. The latter is given by Patrick O’Higgins in his book, Madame: An Intimate Biography of Helena Rubinstein, Viking Press, 1971.
2 Photocopies of Helena Rubinstein’s 1922 passport (www.ancestry.com).
3 Rubinstein, Helena, My Life for Beauty, op. cit.
4 Author’s interview with Litka Goldberg-Fasse, Helena Rubinstein’s second cousin, June 2009.
5 Alfred Silberfeld, genealogist.
6 O’Higgins, Madame, op. cit.