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Versa-Tool: Universal Point


Side-Shading. Using the side of the bevel, drag the point sideways to create soft shading. (Sand the edge of the point if it’s too sharp.)

Crisp Lines. Drag the sharp edge of the bevel downward to create crisp lines.

Grass. Turn the point upside down and use the upper edge of the point to drag upward in random strokes. This can create the illusion of grass.

Fur. Burn fur by drawing varied upward strokes. Then use side-shading to soften and blend them together.

Stippling/Pointillism. Use the upper point to create a unique stippling effect.

Solid Black. Very similar to side-shading, use the side of the bevel and drag very slowly in a horizontal motion.

Downward Triangles. Using the upper point, press into the wood to create a downward triangle.

Varied Lines. You can create lines of different thicknesses by tipping the universal point to the side and laying it flatter against the wood.

Upward Triangles. Using the lower point, press into the wood to create an upward triangle.

Boxes and Windows. Lightly press the front edge of the point into the wood to create each edge of a small box or window.

Crosshatching. Use the sharp edge of the point to create bold crosshatching.

Woodburning Projects and Patterns for Beginners

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