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Versa-Tool: Tapered Point


Fine Lines. Gently drag the point downward to create crisp, fine lines. Don’t use hard pressure because this point can easily bend. (Yep, this was the first point I used and I bent it immediately.)

Text. The tapered point works great for drawing fine and intricate text.

Grass. Because this point is so small, it doesn’t transfer a lot of heat to the wood. Therefore it can create some very fine and wispy grass.

Fur. Much like burning grass, this fine point can create light and delicate fur strokes.

Outlining and Details. This small point can burn intricate lines and details by lightly dragging the point across the wood.

Stippling/Pointillism. While time consuming, this tapered point creates some very detailed stippling or pointillism. Although, because it’s so tiny, I would recommend using this on smaller projects.

Inverted Teardrops. Lay the burner flat and gently press the point into the wood to create a tiny inverted teardrop shape.

Woodburning Projects and Patterns for Beginners

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