Читать книгу Interventions 2020 - Мишель Уэльбек - Страница 2
1 Cover
4 1 Jacques Prévert is a jerk Notes
5 2 The Mirage by Jean-Claude Guiguet
6 3 Approaches to distress Contemporary architecture as a vector for speeding up movements Building the shelves Simplifying the calculations A brief history of information The onset of weariness The world as supermarket and derision The poetry of arrested movement Notes
7 4 Staring into the distance: in praise of silent cinema
8 5 Interview with Jean-Yves Jouannais and Christophe Duchâtelet Notes
11 8 The party What the hell am I doing with these jerks? Gathering together to have fun Gathering together to fight (student demonstrations, environmental gatherings, talk shows in the suburbs) Gathering together to fuck (sex clubs, private orgies, some New Age groups) Gathering together to celebrate (masses, pilgrimages) Partying without tears Notes
12 9 Time out What are you looking for here? The German Lowering the retirement age Calais, Pas-de-Calais Metropolitan comedy Just take it in your stride What use are men? The skin of the bear Notes
13 10 Opera Bianca 4" 36" 43" 50" 56" 59" 1'00" 1'04" 1'06" 1'10" 1'17" 2'15" Notes
14 11 Letter to Lakis Proguidis Notes
15 12 The question of paedophilia Notes
16 13 Humanity, the second stage Notes
20 17 Interview with Christian Authier Notes
23 20 Leaving the twentieth century
24 21 Philippe Muray in 2002 Notes
25 22 Towards a semi-rehabilitation of the hick Notes
26 23 Conservatism, a source of progress Notes
27 24 Prolegomena to positivism The disappearance of metaphysics The establishment of religion
28 25 I’m normal. A normal writer Notes
29 26 I have read my whole life long Notes
32 29 Interview with Frédéric Beigbeder Notes
33 30 A remedy for the exhaustion of being Notes
34 31 Interview with Marin De Viry and Valérie Toranian Notes
35 32 Interview with Agathe Novak-Lechevalier
36 33 Emmanuel Carrère and the problem of goodness
37 34 Donald Trump is a good president
38 35 Conversation with Geoffroy Lejeune The liturgy Social organization Inter-religious dialogue Hell Christian art Science Political power Sexuality Note
39 36 A bit worse. A response to a few friends
40 37 The Vincent Lambert affair should not have taken place Notes
41 Sources
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