Читать книгу The Ladies' Knitting and Netting Book - Miss Watts - Страница 14

Netted Cuffs


Four skeins of colored lambs’-wool and 6 of white; a steel pin No. 14, a flat wooden mesh ½ an inch wide, and a foundation of 120 stitches, are required.

Net 2 rows of colored lambs’-wool with the steel pin; 1 row with white lambs’-wool and the large mesh; then 1 row with the colored, netting 2 white stitches in one, which reduces the stitches to half the number; net another row of colored wool, 1 of white, 2 of colored, &c., until there are 7 rows of white, besides the first, with 2 rows of colored between each. Net 2 rows of colored, 1 of white, netting 2 stitches in every colored one, and finish with 2 rows of colored.

Sew it up, double it and run in a ribbon. This forms a very warm and pretty cuff to wear over the sleeve. The white rows are netted on the wide mesh, the colored on the small mesh.

The Ladies' Knitting and Netting Book

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