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Honey-comb Mittens


Mesh No. 17, foundation 46 or 48 stitches

Net 3 rows. Net 1 row, putting the silk twice round the mesh; 2 rows once round the mesh; then begin netting in rounds. 1st round, for every stitch put the silk twice round the mesh. 2nd round, (each stitch once round the mesh,) net the 2nd stitch first half turning it; then net the 1st stitch plain. Net the 4th stitch half turning it, then net the 3rd plain, and finish the round in the same manner. Every alternate repetition of the pattern you must plain net 1 stitch before beginning the pattern, so as to bring the thick stitch over the open one. Net a plain round, and begin again with the 1st. The same pattern is continued throughout the mitten, but for brevity the number of rounds only is given. When 6 rounds are done, net 10 stitches increase 2 in the 11th, net 3, and increase 2 more in the 4th. Net 2 rounds, and increase again 2 stitches in the stitch which would have been over the 1st stitch in which you increased, (had you not increased,) net 7 and increase 2 more. Net 2 rounds, and in the next round increase again 2 stitches on each side of the thumb. Net 2 rounds, and increase a 4th time; net 2 rounds, and then net the first and last stitches of the thumb together. Decrease if necessary, and when the thumb is nearly long enough, finish with double silk, 1 round twice round the mesh, 1 round once round, 1 round twice round, and 2 once round the mesh. Fasten on the silk at the bottom of the thumb, add 1 stitch on each side, and net the alternate rounds of the pattern until the mitten is long enough to be finished like the thumb.

The Ladies' Knitting and Netting Book

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