Читать книгу The Ladies' Knitting and Netting Book - Miss Watts - Страница 3
Feather Gloves
ОглавлениеFour needles No. 19, and very fine cotton are required
Cast 64 stitches on 1 needle, and 38 on each of the other two: knit round, knitting and ribbing 5 stitches alternately until you have half an inch. Then knit a round, putting the cotton round the needle, and knitting 2 stitches taken together, this is to make a runner for the ribbon. Knit 3 rounds plain. Knit the stitches of the first needle plain and begin the feather pattern for the back with the second needle, bring the cotton forward knit a stitch, repeat this twice, decrease by knitting 2 stitches taken together 3 times, knit 1 stitch, which is the centre stitch of the pattern, decrease 3 times, increase 3 times, and repeat these 19 stitches until you come to the needle with 64 stitches, which is always plain knitting. Knit 3 rounds. Repeat these 4 rounds until the glove is long enough to begin to increase for the thumb: after the 3 plain rounds, knit 1 stitch, increase 1 by taking up a stitch between 2 stitches, knit 1, increase 1: continue to increase in the same manner before and after the last increase, every other round, continuing the pattern on the 2 needles as before. When you have 9 stitches for the thumb, and have knitted the round without increasing, knit a stitch, bring the cotton forward, knit a stitch, knit 2 stitches taken together, knit a stitch (this is to be the centre stitch of the thumb), knit 2 taken together, bring the cotton forward, knit a stitch, knit 1 stitch, increase as before.
When you have knitted the 3 rounds, increasing as usual, on the 1st needle, knit 1 stitch, increase 1, bring the cotton forward, knit a stitch, repeat this, decrease twice, knit the centre stitch, decrease twice, increase twice, increase the stitch for the thumb. In the next round of the holes of the pattern you will have 17 stitches for the thumb: increase as usual, knit 2 stitches, increase twice, decrease twice; knit the centre stitch, decrease twice, increase twice, knit 2, increase 1. In future you will have stitches enough to make the pattern down the thumb like the pattern at the back, which is to be done with the 19 middle stitches of the thumb, the rest on either side are to be knitted plain: when you have increased 45 stitches and knitted 1 round, take all the other stitches on 2 other needles, and knit the thumb round, gradually decreasing a few stitches at the join. When the thumb is finished take the stitches for the hand on your needles as before, take up 5 stitches for the gusset at the bottom of the thumb, and continue knitting as before, (on the third needle you will have an odd stitch, which belongs to the 1st needle, it will prevent any mistake if you pass it on to the 1st needle); after doing a few rounds, decrease the gusset stitches until you have 64 stitches on the 1st needle: continue the pattern as before, and when the glove is long enough, begin the 1st finger with the first plain 20 stitches and the opposite 19; knit round, continuing the pattern down the outside of the finger: when you have done this finger, take up 4 stitches for the gusset at the bottom of the 1st finger,2 16 plain stitches, and 19 of the pattern. The other 2 fingers are done in the same manner: 14 plain stitches, 19 of the pattern, for the third finger, and 12 plain stitches and 19 of the pattern for the 4th finger, these numbers do not include the gusset stitches.
When finished, sew a piece of lace round the top, and run a narrow ribbon in the holes.
These stitches may be decreased again or not.