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Some Voice Practice Exercises You Can Do


A good voice comes from two major components: healthy vocal folds and proper voice use. It’s not uncommon for a singer or professional voice user to have vocal complaints but have normal appearing vocal folds.

In these instances, vocal technique is often the source of the problem. Voice practice helps overcome part of this problem. This applies to the speaking and singing voice. Because we use the same instrument to speak and to sing, either task can injure the voice and make the other task more difficult. Often, singers are excellent technicians with their singing voice, but speak incorrectly, thereby setting themselves up to sing with a tired and misused instrument.

Voice practice is the practice of treating the voice non-surgically by emphasizing healthy voice use. It’s essentially physical therapy for the voice and is a highly effective method to reduce the need for surgery.

Voice practice is also a critical component in optimizing surgical outcome by minimizing vocal strain. However, voice practice is only as effective as the skill of the person practicing it.

Personal Development With Success Ingredients

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