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Using Emphasis to Help Make Your Voice More Interesting


So now that you have learnt how to develop greater control over your voice, the next thing is to learn how to sound more interesting.

Some of the most common turn-offs to an audience when listening to a dull and uninspiring speaker are:

•A monotone voice.

•A voice that is too quiet.

•A voice that lacks emphasis.

You need to speak with energy and enthusiasm if you want your audience to want to hang on to your every word. If the audience can’t hear you they’ll switch off very quickly. To avoid this you don’t need to shout but you do need to learn how to project your voice.

To help project energy and power into your voice, emphasize the key words in your sentences, which will catch the attention of the audience. For example, take the sentence: ‘I encourage everyone to work together as a team so that we all achieve greater success.’

You could pull out the key words in this sentence such as Everyone, Together, Team, and Greater Success.

By emphasizing these words, you’ll automatically project energy and passion into your voice and your voice will sound stronger and more confident. Emphasizing words also tends to lift the pitch in your voice – so that it’s no longer monotone but more varied and interesting to listen to.

This voice practice workout will help you to strengthen your voice. To go to the next level, I also recommend that you do the following:

•Practice your speeches out loud.

•Warm up your voice every day, but especially before public speaking. Ideally, spend as much time practicing as you will in front of an audience.

•Learn to breathe properly and apply that technique to your public speaking

•Hum a lot. Explore and develop mask resonance.

•Take a singing class or private singing lessons. This is true strength training for your voice.

There are many more easy-to-practice exercises that help bring out the best qualities in your voice. If you attend a voice-training workshop or have some personal coaching with a voice coach, you can learn how to unlock the power of your voice.

You’ll learn to develop a much greater awareness of your vocal potential and how to use your vocal qualities to help influence others in a positive way in all speaking situations.

Voices are not fixed at birth. Like athletic or mental skills, they can be greatly enhanced by concentration and training. Following are the steps necessary to enhance your voice – and your business production.

First, determine what to be changed. The best way to do this is to record telephone conversations for later review. Reading into a recorder is not adequate. Record several hours of calls and listen to 15 minutes in the middle for several days in a row.

Personal Development With Success Ingredients

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