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Preface to Third Edition
ОглавлениеIn presenting this new Third Edition of the LAW OF SUCCESS philosophy to the world, the publishers may be pardoned a few words of justifiable pride in the good the books are accomplishing. It is always helpful to new readers to derive encouragement and inspiration from what others have achieved, and to know of the causes and progress that have become history in the unfolding of any great movement that has lent itself to the betterment of men and women of the present generation.
As to what others have done, and the place occupied by these lessons in our national life of today, the following from a former President of the United States is weighty: “The business and industrial interests of the country owe Napoleon Hill (author of the LAW OF SUCCESS) a debt of gratitude. His influence is a perfect antidote for radicalism and Bolshevism.” And a physician states: “The author has accumulated epoch-making material for the enlightenment of mankind, and I predict the Law of Success course will run into many editions and serve to nourish the minds of remote and unborn posterity. There is nothing else like this course in existence. I know that it will be a priceless treasure to all who will take advantage of its teachings.”
The LAW OF SUCCESS lessons in the form in which you now receive them, have come a long way from the first edition in a few small paper pamphlets. Today, greatly enlarged over the first edition, and in handy, durable text-books, the Philosophy has risen to dominant importance in shaping not only the affairs and careers of men of great influence—but has also led to actual change in existing business and social standards.
The LAW OF SUCCESS has “travelled around the world.” It has been called for in all parts of the globe. Large quantities of the sets have been taken by executives and business concerns for distribution; there have been inquiries for as high as ten thousand sets at a time. Such results mean but one thing—the lessons are UNUSUAL.
So, you are about to start upon the course of reading and instruction which by rights should be called “THE MAGIC LAWS OF SUCCESS.” No man or woman with an ounce of ambition, can pass through the lessons that follow and not be a changed person. Changed for the better! No one but who will emerge from these absorbing pages with a stronger grasp on his or her future—a surer understanding of what he or she CAN DO and has all along been able to do, but didn’t THINK he or she could. You are one of these people and these books are for you.
The volumes are full of priceless secrets, startling truths, unexpected revelations about YOUR POSSIBILITIES TODAY. Every word sinks deep; the lessons are written in simple, straight-shot, strong, man-to-man language that you can’t get away from or misunderstand. There is page upon page of rich surprises for the man or woman who needs help and inspiration—something substantial upon which to build life anew!
And so we deliver the LAW OF SUCCESS Philosophy to you with the sincere hope and belief that both good fortune and boundless benefit will become yours as a result of this study.