Читать книгу The Law of Success - Наполеон Хилл - Страница 8
This course is the result of careful analysis of the life-work of over one hundred men and women who have achieved unusual success in their respective callings.
The author of the course has been more than twenty years in gathering, classifying, testing and organizing the Fifteen Laws upon which the course is based. In his labor he has received valuable assistance either in person or by studying the life-work of the following men:
Henry Ford
Thomas A. Edison
Harvey S. Firestone
John D. Rockefeller
Charles M. Schwab
Woodrow Wilson
Darwin P. Kingsley
Wm. Wrigley, Jr.
A. D. Lasker
E. A. Filene
James J. Hill
Captain George M. Alexander
(To whom the author was formerly an assistant)
Hugh Chalmers
Dr. E. W. Strickler
Edwin C. Barnes
Robert L. Taylor
(Fiddling Bob)
George Eastman
E. M. Statler
Andrew Carnegie
John Wanamaker
Marshall Field
Edward Bok
Cyrus H. K. Curtis
George W. Perkins
Henry L. Doherty
George S. Parker
Dr. C. O. Henry
General Rufus A. Ayers
Judge Elbert H. Gary
William Howard Taft
Dr. Elmer Gates
John W. Davis
Samuel Gompers
F. W. Woolworth
Judge Daniel T. Wright
(One of the author’s law instructors)
Elbert Hubbard
Luther Burbank
O. H. Harriman
John Burroughs
E. H. Harriman
Charles P. Steinmetz
Frank Vanderlip
Theodore Roosevelt
Wm. H. French
Dr. Alexander Graham Bell
(To whom the author owes credit for most of Lesson One).
Of the men named, perhaps Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie should be acknowledged as having contributed most toward the building of this course, for the reason that it was Andrew Carnegie who first suggested the writing of the course and Henry Ford whose life-work supplied much of the material out of which the course was developed.
Some of these men are now deceased, but to those who are still living the author wishes to make here grateful acknowledgment of the service they have rendered, without which this course never could have been written.
The author has studied the majority of these men at close range, in person. With many of them he enjoys, or did enjoy before their death, the privilege of close personal friendship which enabled him to gather from their philosophy facts that would not have been available under other conditions.
The author is grateful for having enjoyed the privilege of enlisting the services of the most powerful men on earth, in the building of the Law of Success course. That privilege has been remuneration enough for the work done, if nothing more were ever received for it.
These men have been the back-bone and the foundation and the skeleton of American business, finance, industry and statesmanship.
The Law of Success course epitomizes the philosophy and the rules of procedure which made each of these men a great power in his chosen field of endeavor. It has been the author’s intention to present the course in the plainest and most simple terms available, so it could be mastered by very young men and young women, of the high-school age.
With the exception of the psychological law referred to in Lesson One as the “Master Mind,” the author lays no claim to having created anything basically new in this course. What he has done, however, has been to organize old truths and known laws into PRACTICAL, USABLE FORM, where they may be properly interpreted and applied by the workaday man whose needs call for a philosophy of simplicity.
In passing upon the merits of the Law of Success Judge Elbert H. Gary said: “Two outstanding features connected with the philosophy impress me most. One is the simplicity with which it has been presented, and the other is the fact that its soundness is so obvious to all that it will be immediately accepted.”
The student of this course is warned against passing judgment upon it before having read the entire sixteen lessons. This especially applies to this Introduction, in which it has been necessary to include brief reference to subjects of a more or less technical and scientific nature. The reason for this will be obvious after the student has read the entire sixteen lessons.
The student who takes up this course with an open mind, and sees to it that his or her mind remains “open” until the last lesson shall have been read, will be richly rewarded with a broader and more accurate view of life as a whole.