Читать книгу Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading - Natalia O’Sullivan - Страница 12



Telepathy is an exchange of information directly from the mind of one individual to the mind of another without the need for words to be spoken aloud or any exchange of physical, nonverbal communication such as eye signals, hand gestures or other forms of body language.

We are all telepathic to some degree and go about our daily lives transmitting and receiving information – often without being consciously aware that we are doing so. While we each transmit and receive in different ways, the basic principle is the same: we all act like radios, tuning into information and sending out signals on certain frequencies. Some of us have a greater ability to receive; others are more able to transmit. Some people are on the same frequency and therefore find it easier to receive telepathic messages than others. Many people discover that as they become closer in a physical relationship they begin to connect with that person on a telepathic level. Mothers and daughters have a natural link, particularly as the psychic gift is passed down the mother line from both parents into their descendants.

Our individual telepathic abilities are closely linked to our other psychic gifts. If we are more clairvoyant than clairaudient, for example, then we are much more likely to receive our telepathic information in the form of visual images or symbols than to ‘hear’ the thoughts of other people in our head. A telepathic clairsentient may receive a sense of another person’s physical or emotional state, even at a distance.

Telepathy can operate at short distances or at great ones. We experience short distance telepathy with family members and friends. In these cases, our telepathic abilities become entwined with our other abilities to read and transmit information and to tune into our intuition. For instance, we often know when someone we know well is angry with us, even when they do not express it openly. We may pick up a combination of signals that includes body language, tone of voice, changes in behaviour and clairsentient emotional messages, as well as telepathic thoughts that the person transmits – and we receive loud and clear.

Long distance telepathy can be just as common, though it can appear more remarkable because we do not have the more obvious physical signals to rely on. On many occasions I have thought of a friend abroad and then received a letter or e-mail from them.

Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading

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