Читать книгу Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading - Natalia O’Sullivan - Страница 23
Spirit Communication
ОглавлениеMany psychics believe that they are guided by personalities in spirit who are able to offer valuable information and support through clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience and channelling. Some believe that their guides are people who were once physically alive and who now inhabit a higher spiritual dimension. In some cases, their guides may be known; relatives, friends or former partners who continue to offer guidance to the people they love beyond the limits of their physical mortality. Others, subscribing to a belief in reincarnation, claim that in psychic intervention their spirit guides take the form of personalities they once knew in a former life.
The types of psychics who communicate with spirits are channels or mediums. The word channel appears to come from the US and covers a broad spectrum of psychic abilities and creative talents. Any of us can be said to be channelling when we lose ourselves to a creative process, whether it is painting a picture, writing a book, dancing, singing or chanting.
A medium is someone who acts as a vehicle for family or friends wishing to communicate from the spirit realms. Many psychics and mediums channel guidance or information in the form of mental pictures (clairvoyance), hearing subtle sounds or words (clairaudience) and in the form of sound and smell (clairsentience). A lot of material is also channelled in the form of automatic writing; this tends to be from information given by spirit guides and teachers.
There is no great mystery in communicating with Spirit; we are all capable of learning this skill. It is also possible to learn how to channel positive inspirational guidance to help others. (Refer to the chapter on spirit communication for practical guidance on how to communicate with Spirit and meet your spirit guides.)