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When you see a Grammy winner or any other famous person accepting an award get up to give an acceptance speech, a small groan from inside probably rattles around within you. The important truth though is that this person has some true heartfelt thanks for persons that without their help that famous person would not be standing there boring you to tears.

Well, start groaning, or flip the page, as I have many people who have contributed to not only the publication of this book, but also to whom I have become today.

As I say in my seminars and workshops, 90% of the information I share with my clients or share with you in this book I learned from someone else. I have found in my experience that most people I have had the opportunity to work with were much smarter than I, more experienced than I, yet I had the desire and ability to learn from them.

I want to first thank my wife, who is my best friend and business partner. Without her I would still be trying to figure out how to complete the first chapter. Shannon is one of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life, and I am lucky to call her my wife.

I also would like to thank many of the leaders I have had over the past eighteen years. I have been very fortunate to have worked with and learned from great mentors. The lessons they have taught me have enabled much of my corporate and entrepreneur success. Thanks to Mark Hood who took a chance and hired a nineteen-year-old kid to sell life and health insurance. Thanks to Gary Sullivan who took the time to help me create my first real business plan and had the tough conversation with me about what I needed to do to get to the next level. Thanks to Brad Mitchell, who gave me my first management job at twenty-four years of age. He taught me to become responsible for a team and held me accountable to the highest standards. Thanks to Jim Moreland, mentor and friend, who showed me how a team would unconditionally follow a leader. And thanks to all of the other great leaders I have had the opportunity to work with in my career and life.

I would like to thank my parents for everything they have done for me over my lifetime. To my mother, who is my friend and keeps me on the right path, I sincerely thank you. And to my father, who is also my business partner and mentor, offering sound advice and help even when I am not smart enough to ask for it, I offer you my heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

Each of the above mentioned, and more, taught me something I still use in my business today along with many of the ideas I share with you in this book. To the hundreds of team members and peers I have had over the past ten years, thank you for the roads traveled both smooth and rough.

I would like to thank The Trade Group for helping to put together a powerful book.

I would like to thank Joe Calloway, whom I called shortly after I got in the speaking and writing business. He not only offered to help, but believed in me enough to support me.

Lastly, I would like to thank the many friends and family members that have encouraged and believed in me.

The Sales Leaders Playbook

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