Читать книгу Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you - Neil Somerville, Neil Somerville - Страница 30

The Earth Rat


The Monkey year offers considerable scope for the Earth Rat, although to make the most of the favourable aspects, he needs to seize his opportunities and act on his ideas. With purpose, however, he can accomplish a great deal.

The Earth Rat’s domestic life can be especially meaningful. Family celebrations and happy times are in store for many. Whether seeing their family grow in numbers and/or a wedding, graduation or the success of someone close, these Earth Rats will have several occasions to feel proud. Throughout the year, the Earth Rat will also be glad to assist others in their various activities and plans. His thoughtfulness and ability to sense the best way forward will be particularly valued, with younger relations especially grateful. July, August and December could be busy times in many an Earth Rat household.

In addition to assisting others, the Earth Rat will be keen to go ahead with some of his own plans. Often these will relate to his home. Some Earth Rats will have a purge on clutter and decide to smarten certain rooms and one project may soon lead to another and practical activities mushroom. However, while some undertakings will become more extensive than initially envisaged, the Earth Rat (and others) will often delight in the results.

The Earth Rat may also be fortunate in some acquisitions made over the year. If considering new equipment or wanting something specific for the home, he will find that taking the time to consider his options could result in some shrewd purchases. His thoroughness and care can serve him well this year.

Travel, too, is favourably aspected, and if possible, the Earth Rat should try to go away for a holiday over the year. Local attractions could also appeal, but the Monkey year encourages venturing out and discovering places new.

The Earth Rat’s personal interests can also develop well. Some Earth Rats will set themselves a challenge that will allow them to use their knowledge in a new and purposeful way. For any who may feel unfulfilled or perhaps jaded, it could be to their advantage to see what is available in their area and consider enrolling on a course or joining a group. With the aspects as they are, positive action can prove surprisingly rewarding.

The Earth Rat will also enjoy meeting up with his friends. Being interested in many subjects and a talented communicator, he will revel in some of the lively times (and debates) of the year. There will be chances to meet quite a few new people too, and for the unattached, romance could beckon. On a personal level, this can be an interesting year, and the Earth Rat should make the most of his social opportunities. March, May, August and mid-October to the end of November could be particularly stimulating months.

With home projects and purchases, family expenses, travel and personal interests, the Earth Rat’s spending will be considerable. However, with care, he will be able to proceed with most of his plans. Some Earth Rats may also enjoy some financial luck, possibly through selling items they no longer require and receiving more than anticipated. Certain skills or a competition win may also bring them something extra. Monkey years have an element of good fortune to them.

In most respects, this will be an encouraging year for the Earth Rat, but, as is always the case, problems will sometimes arise. When they do, it is important the Earth Rat talks to others and, if necessary, seeks an expert opinion. To keep concerns to himself may compound problems and cause him to worry more than necessary. Earth Rats, remember, advice is available.

For the most part, however, this will be a practical and satisfying year for the Earth Rat. It is a time to act upon his ideas. Once he has made a start, a lot can follow on, with luck often helping along the way. For many Earth Rats there will be family successes to enjoy and the Earth Rat will also make the most of his social life and enjoy the interests he is able to share. Overall, an active and personally rewarding year.

Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you

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