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Prospects for the Ox in 2016


The Year of the Goat (19 February 2015–7 February 2016) will have been a tricky one for the Ox and in what remains of it he will need to keep his wits about him. The Ox likes certainty and the volatility of some situations will exasperate him in the closing months of the year.

At work, he could feel unsettled, as extra demands are placed upon him. Also, he may not always be in full accord with certain colleagues. However, it will be a case of knuckling down and concentrating on specific duties, and remaining wary of distractions and time-consuming trifles. Although great effort will be required, impressive results can still be achieved. For Oxen keen to advance their career or seeking work, September to early November may see interesting chances to pursue.

With many demands on his resources, the Ox would do well to watch spending at this time and check the terms of any major transaction.

More positively, his personal life can bring him considerable pleasure and there will be opportunities to go to parties and other get-togethers and catch up with relations and friends he has not seen for some while. By sharing news and seeking the opinions of others (rather than keeping his thoughts to himself), he could benefit from the advice and generosity of another person. For some Oxen, romance can also add excitement to this time. August and December are likely to see much social and domestic activity.

Overall, the Goat year will have had its awkward moments, but the Ox is a realist and by adapting and doing his best, he will still have learned and accomplished a great deal during it.

The Year of the Monkey starts on 8 February and will be an interesting one for the Ox. Although he will have reservations about the speed of certain developments, many of his plans will work out well and some good opportunities will come his way.

The Ox is always keen to develop his knowledge and skills and the Monkey year will encourage this. Whether in his work or his personal interests, if he has the chance of training or can undertake personal study and research, he will find his time well spent. Professional and personal development can be rewarding this year and this is an area all Oxen would do well to consider.

At work, the aspects are also encouraging, although the Ox should still expect some volatility. A lot can happen quickly, sometimes too quickly for the Ox’s liking, but by making the most of the opportunities that open up, he can further his position and use his strengths to advantage.

This also applies to Oxen who feel unfulfilled in their present position and those seeking work. By keeping alert for openings, they could identify a new and sometimes very different position which offers the fresh challenge they desire. They do, though, need to be swift in making their application and could help their prospects by finding out more about the duties involved and so be better prepared at interview. In the Monkey year, initiative, purpose and going that one step further can make a difference. April, May, September and November could see important developments.

Also, if at any time the Ox should be offered training, or the chance to deputize for someone or become involved in a new initiative, he should seize the opportunity. This is very much a year which rewards commitment.

Progress made at work will lead to many Oxen increasing their income and as a result many will proceed with plans they have long had in mind, including updating equipment and improving their home. When considering purchases, the Ox’s thoroughness can lead to some useful acquisitions. Also, if he is in a position to make provision for the future, this too can be helpful.

Being conscientious, the Ox drives himself hard, and throughout the year it is important he allows himself a respite and sets time aside for pursuits he enjoys. The Monkey year encourages trying the new, and whenever the Ox hears of something that intrigues him or is inspired by an idea, he should follow it up. If he can involve those close to him, this can often add meaning to the activity. In the Monkey year, the Ox does need to be receptive to what is available and allow time for some well-deserved leisure.

The Ox is selective in his socializing and can be reserved until he knows someone well. However, in the Monkey year some interesting social opportunities can arise and he would do well to take up any that appeal to him. The Monkey year favours participation. April, June, August and December will see the most social activity.

For Oxen enjoying romance or those who meet someone new, during the course of the year, the relationship is likely to strengthen steadily. Oxen do like to take their time in matters of love and affection.

The Monkey year is a fast-paced one, however, and in the Ox’s home life some matters may arise which require swift attention. These can include decisions the Ox or another family member may have. Frank discussion will be helpful in determining the best way forward. In addition, some plans for the home could move ahead as the right opportunity suddenly arises. A lot can happen quickly this year and while this may not suit the Ox’s character, improvements can often result.

Throughout the year, a great deal of pleasure can be had by sharing interests and enjoying time with loved ones. Here the thoughtfulness of many Oxen can add a special ingredient to home life. August and December could be eventful months and give rise to some surprise occasions or travel opportunities.

Although the Ox may not always feel at ease with the fast pace of the Monkey year, he can gain a lot from it. In his work, this is an excellent time to add to skills, and this can have considerable value later on. Developing personal interests can also be satisfying. Throughout the year, the Ox will value the support of those around him and his thoughtful approach will be appreciated. This will be a busy year, but personally and professionally a rewarding one. It is a time for seizing (and enjoying) the moment.

Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you

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