Читать книгу Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: An Owner’s Guide - Nick Mays - Страница 13






Black and tan

Gait/Movement Free-moving and elegant in action, plenty of drive from behind. Forelegs and hindlegs move parallel when viewed from in front and behind.

Coat Long. silky, free from curl. Slight wave permissible. Plenty of feathering. Totally free from trimming.

Black and Tan: Raven black with tan markings above the eyes, on cheeks, inside ears, on chest and legs and underside of tail. Tan should be bright. White marks undesirable.

Ruby: Whole coloured rich red. White markings undesirable.

Blenheim: Rich chestnut markings well broken up, on pearly white ground. Markings evenly divided on head, leaving room between ears for much valued lozenge mark or spot (a unique characteristic of the breed).

Tricolour: Black and white well spaced, broken up, with tan markings over eyes, cheeks, inside ears, inside legs, and on underside of tail.

Any other colour or combination of colours most undesirable.

Size Weight: 5.4–8kg (12–18lb).

A small, well balanced dog well within these weights desirable.

Faults Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Note Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

© The Kennel Club

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: An Owner’s Guide

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