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Preparing for your puppy


You now need to give some thought to preparing for your new puppy’s arrival. You will need to buy some essential items, including the following:

• A bed or basket

• Bedding or blankets

• Food and water bowls

• Suitable food (which the breeder will advise you about)

• A collar and lead

• Some suitable toys, with no small parts that can be swallowed

• Some chews (puppy-sized) to help prevent damage to furniture or slippers

• A dog pen, or crate, can be a useful investment and will be your dog’s ‘own place’, not so much for confinement as a safe area where he can reside and not get under your feet if you are busy and moving things around. Equally, it’s a place of solitude for him.

Puppy-friendly home

You will also need to make sure that your house and garden are puppy-friendly.

In the house, check the following:

• There are no small areas into which a puppy could crawl and get stuck

• No electrical wires are lying around – puppies like chewing them, so invest in some cable protectors (available from DIY and electrical stores) to tidy away TV and other electrical appliance wires

• Children’s toys and small ornaments are out of reach, as a puppy likes nothing better than to chew things, and they could cause severe health problems if swallowed

• Cupboard doors should always shut securely, especially those containing sharp items or cleaning materials

• Child gates or special dog gates should be fitted in doorways or at the top or bottom of stairs; attach some strong wire mesh to the gate to prevent the puppy sticking his head between the bars and getting stuck.

You also need to survey your garden and make it escape proof. Check for the following:

• There should be no holes or obvious gaps in fences

• Garden gates shut properly and there is not sufficient space underneath for a puppy to squeeze through and escape

• If you have a garden pond, put a stout wire fence around it or strong netting over the top to prevent a puppy falling in

• There are no poisonous plants that your puppy could eat

• Weedkillers, slug pellets and other chemicals are securely locked away out of reach.

Contact the vet

Book an appointment for your puppy’s vaccinations and health check. You may also wish to check out puppy training classes, which are organized by local clubs. Some veterinary surgeries also organize ‘puppy parties’ where puppies can meet each other and get used to other dogs and people.

A large, spacious outdoor run with a paved or concrete floor, which is totally secure, is an ideal area for several Cavaliers to exercise in.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: An Owner’s Guide

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