Читать книгу Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: An Owner’s Guide - Nick Mays - Страница 24

The first night


Expect your puppy to be fretful on his first night – he will be alone for the first time in a strange house. You could leave a small nightlight on in the kitchen or the room where he sleeps for the first few nights. Some owners don’t mind having a dog in their bedroom, so if you want to take your puppy up to bed with you that’s fine – but make him sleep in his own bed, not on yours. Not only is it safer – a fall from a bed could injure a small puppy – but it also gives the dog the wrong message to allow him to sleep on your bed, as it elevates him mentally in his perceived ‘pack hierarchy’. Your dog is lower than you in the pack – you are the pack leader – so he should expect to sleep in his own bed, not in yours.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: An Owner’s Guide

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