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Miso Soup with Beef and Kale


white miso, rump steak, cavolo nero or kale, spring onions, bouillon powder

Pull the leaves from the stalks of 100g cavolo nero or kale. Shred them, then chop the stalks finely. Pour a little oil into a shallow pan, add the chopped stems and cook briefly, then add a 240g piece of rump steak. Fry briefly and when it browns, turn over and add 3 chopped spring onions. Brown the steak on the other side, then remove from the pan and cover it, then pour 800ml boiling water into the pan and stir. Add a tablespoon of bouillon powder and 2 tablespoons of white (shiro) miso paste, then the cavolo nero leaves. Simmer until the greens wilt. Ladle into bowls, slice the steak into thin strips and drop into the broth.

For 2. Light and sustaining.

A few thoughts

• Allowing the miso to boil will make it cloudy and alter its flavour but a brief simmer will do no harm.

• Cook the pieces of meat for seconds rather than minutes, to keep them supple and rare.

• Shredded savoy cabbage, purple-sprouting broccoli and any of the Chinese greens, such as bok choi, would be perfect here instead of the kale.

• Add wide or thin ribbon noodles as you wish, or even cooked rice, to make a more substantial bowl of soup.

Eat – The Little Book of Fast Food

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