Читать книгу Canadian Business Contracts Handbook - Nishan Swais - Страница 14

2.4 Part IV: Final considerations


The fourth part of this book begins by looking at the finishing touches that go into any well-written business contract. This includes taking the steps of editing and proofreading your contracts so that they are ready for delivery and signature.

We then consider the flip side of everything that has come before in looking at how to read a contract as a commercial lawyer would. This skill is important because you may not always be in a position to write the first draft of the contract you want to sign. Reading a contract is also the first step in changing a contract by rewriting it to say what you want it to say.

We also consider how to formally change or amend a contract that is already in effect. For example, the services contract you signed last year lists your hourly consulting rate at $200. If you want to amend that contract to reflect your new hourly rate of $250, you will need to prepare and sign an Amending Agreement. This book shows you how to do so.

We conclude Part IV and, with it, the book, by briefly touching on the creative element present in writing contracts. Many lawyers will tell you that what is not said in a contract is often just as important as what is said. Learning to read between the lines — and write between them — is an important skill to acquire for those who truly want to “take it to the next level.”

Canadian Business Contracts Handbook

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