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Mgqwetho here develops the image of the ford that appeared at the end of her first poem (line 71). Black people have been defeated by whites in battle, but they must regain their martial spirit and strive for independence, though with a more deliberate strategy. She urges the settling of internal differences, a unity essential to the passage to a better situation, symbolised by a ford across a river. Black people must seek this new dispensation in opposition to whites, without their help; in uniting and settling their differences, they must involve their estranged chiefs in their quest.

2 Nontsizi Chizama, the woman poet

Hom! Wait a minute! In the Cape

we stumbled in starting:—

1Halahoyi, you in the Cape!

Something stinks

like the river snake 5

fouling the air.

2“We stumbled in starting!

Things fell apart,” says Maxeke,

hunting those who scattered

and took to the hills. 10

3Halahoyi! In the Cape

they seek a ford,

for Government troops

met Phalo’s,

and we slipped off 15

like swallows.

4So says Maxeke,

white-flanked kite:

first we’ll find

a ford for ourselves— 20

then King George

can set his seal.

Please hear!

2 Imbongikazi Nontsizi u Chizama

Hom! Mazijike! Tina Makoloni

Sifunze kakubi:—

1Halahoyi! Makoloni,

Nalo ke ivumba

Linukisa 5

Okwenyoka yomlambo.

2Sifunze Kakubi!

Larazuka “ibhayi”

Itsho into ka Maxeke,

Ezingela nabayame ngentaba. 10

3Halahoyi! Amakoloni

Afuna Izibuko

Kuba u Rulumente

Wabambana no Palo

“Satweta” ukuhamba 15

Saxela inkonjane.

4Uti Untloyiya ontusi

Into ka Maxeke

Izibuko kuqala lobonwa

Ngamakaya— 20

Aze no King George

Abeke ne Sitampu.


5Hom! Wait a minute!

Return to the battlefield: 25

our men are butchered

by bladeless spears.


6We seek a ford to ferry

first one dove then the rest; 30

we want them all, even those

who egg on the troops but stay home themselves.

7We stumbled in starting!

We seek a ford,

a long rope for hauling 35

the lame as well.

8The slope is benighted,

we seek a ford:

our fathers abandoned us,

a flock without kindling. 40

9Halahoyi! Remove your shoes

and seek a ford,

so that your chiefs

can lick the cream.

10We stumbled in starting! 45

So says Maxeke,

great greybeard

of Ngxokozelo.

11We stumbled in starting,

weak at the knees, 50

stirred into gruel

by their rifles as spoons.

12We seek a ford,

for what we have

is merely cosmetic, 55

no more than skin deep.

5Hom! Mazijike

Siye ezintilini 25

Apela amadoda kuhlatywa

Ngumkonto ongqukuva


6Sifuna Izibuko

Lokuweza amahobe “akabalinye” 30

Tina sofuna no Tshiwo

Abamemeza ingqina bengayipumi.

7Sifunze! Kakubi

Sifuna Izibuko

Eliyakuba yintambende 35

Yokuseng’ izigudu.

8Ummango umnyama

Sifuna Izibuko

Kuba obawo basishiya.

Singumhlamb’ongena nkuni. 40

9Halahoyi! Kululani izihlangu

Nifune Izibuko

Ukuze Inkosi zenu


10Sifunze! Kakubi 45

Itsho into ka Maxeke

Ingwevu enkulu

Yakulo Ngxokozelo.

11Sifunze! Kakubi

Kuba Siyapela 50



12Sifuna! Izibuko

Kuba eli likoyo

Lafanelwa yimbola nje 55

Kodwa lingayiqabi.

13Hom! Wait a minute!

We stumbled in starting!

This year it seems

is a year of wonders. 60

14Our fathers abandoned us

with no ford in sight,

our heads strewn with tatters

like those of diviners.

15“Come! Here’s the ford!” 65

cries the voice of a Nation

established by power

of heaven and earth.

16We stumbled in starting,

white as snow. 70

Maxeke says

our women wither.

17There’s no real split:

we’re rivers adrift

till the morning star 75

dawns on Africa.


18Maxeke’s split?

Pastor, the weight of your loads!

Mercy, Mimosa, 80

twisting in falling,

branches yet reaching

out to its own.


19In the Cape 85

we stumbled in starting!

We pick no bones,

but arms are to hand.

13Hom! Mazijike

Sifunze Kakubi .

Ngati nonyaka nje

Ngunyaka wommangaliso. 60

14Obawo basishiya

Lingeko Izibuko,

Intloko zanezibi

Ngati zeza magqira.

15Uyamenywa! Lizibuko 65

Ngalo ilizwi le Sizwe

Elisekwe ngamandla e Zulu

Nawase mhlabeni.

16Sifunze! Kakubi

Singamakewukewu 70

Yitsho into ka Maxeke

Abitye namankazana.

17Akuqekekwa toro,

“Sizakwezi” milambo

Lode lihle ne Kwezi 75

E Afrika sibambelele


18Uqekeko luka Maxeke?

Azi Mfundisi unalishwa lanina?

Taru mnga ote ukuwa 80


Amasebe anabela

Kwisizwe sakowenu


19Tina base Koloni 85

Sifunze! Kakubi

“Asichasanga” zizwe

Singumti otshixiza komnye umti

20So says Find-at-the-Door-

What-you-Shot-from-Inside. 90

When we find the ford

we’ll all kneel together,

pleading our souls

before God Almighty.

Mercy! 95

21Come back, Africa!

We seek a ford,

lest our children

bloat from neglect.

22Hom! Wait a minute! 100

Stop mucking about.

Shut the churches,

return to the battlefield.

23Bullets destroy us

in search of a ford; 105

“Baboons!” they jeer,

even though we’re not furry.

24Our chiefs don’t know us

and we don’t know them:

we quarter the veld 110

like wild dogs at the trot.

25Yet these are the chiefs

who link us to God,

they carry to Him

the cries of the Nation. 115

Peace to all!

20Uti Udubula esendlini

Bacholinto emnyango 90

Xa likoyo Izibuko

Umzi wonqulela ndawonye

Ukusingisa ityala

Lemipefumlo ku Somandla

Taru! 95

21Mayibuye! I Afrika

Sifune Izibuko

Ukuze amatole

Angabi Zibhukutu.

22Hom; Mazijike 100

Singabe Sifanisa

Icawe mazivalwe

Siye ezintilini.

23Siyapela Zimbumbulu

Sifuna Izibuko 105

Kuba sadunyelwa “buxhonti”

Kodwa singenaboya.

24Asaziwa zi Nkosi

Nati asizazi

Sizizinja nje zidlula 110

Zigxota “amaxhama”

25Kanti lento izinkosi


Sazo izikalo

Zaso Isizwe sazo 115


Nations's Bounty

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