Читать книгу Nations's Bounty - Nontsizi Mgqwetho - Страница 18


Mgqwetho sees an earth tremor as a warning from God to the people of Johannesburg to mend their ways.

9 Johannesburg earthquake

Lord, you alone created all things,

you said let them be and they were;

earthquakes occur by your will,

you arrange their trembling;

mountains stand by your will 5

to crush us if we deny you.


You rain floods on our dwellings,

scourge us with whirlwinds to bring us to know you.

Peace! 10

This earthquake’s your sign of future destruction

if we don’t repair our ways.

Listen, Joburg: if you deny me

you’ll burn like paper in storm after storm.

Mercy! 15

Don’t you see what this is, my people,

this thrashing quirt of an earthquake?

In this quake Jehovah addresses us,

distressed, a Creator abandoned.

Earthquake, slow in approach, 20

older than even the sun!

Earthquake, the voice of Jehovah,

urging return to virtue!

Earthquake, tumbling anthills;

oh! the nation’s mountains turn to each other! 25

Earthquake, the voice of Jehovah,

releasing springs for you to drink,

cracking a whip when you spurn him:

you’ll die like flies if you don’t all come back to him!

Mercy! 30

Take care, Joburg, you will be consumed

by the rager like fire on the move.

Earthquake, a knock at your door,

condemning your sins to correct you.

Mercy! 35

Do you heed this earthquake here in Johannesburg?

9 Unyikimo Lomhlaba-E-Rautini

Wazidala into zonke Wena Tixo wedwa

Ute Wena mazibeko zabako ke zona

Nenyikima ezikoyo zazidalwa Nguwe

Zizanyazanyiswa zona ngokusekwa Nguwe.

Kwanentaba ezimiyo zazidalwe Nguwe 5

Nezo zosidilikela xa singakwaziyo.


Uk’uk’ula ngemisinga apo simi khona

Usibeta ngezaq’witi de sikwazi Wena

Camagu! 10

Ngayo yona Lenyikima uqondisa tina

Wotshaba lalisa ngayo sibuyel’ emgceni.

Bek’ indlebe wena Rauti watsha yimpampili

Kwazintuli—kwazintuli xa unga ndaziyo.

Taru! 15

Naku ke! Bakuti! niyay’ vana?

Lemvubu ezab’okwe zintshunquntshunqu yenyikima:

U Yehova, uyateta kuti ngayo lenyikima.

Uti Yena umangele udeliwe engu Mdali:

Yinyikima! ehamba igigiza ebikona 20

Kakade lingaziwa nelanga:

Yinyikima! Umlomo ka Yehova.

Okuvuselelayo uputume ukulunga:

Yinyikima! Ehlaba iziduli izipose emhlane.

Awu zitsho nentaba zelizwe zikangelane: 25

Yinyikima! Umlomo kaYehova.

Ogqob’oza nemitombo nize nisele:

Edada ngezab’okwe, kwabangamaziyo.

Ningabuyanga ngenyani! Senifile konke-konke:

Taru! 30

Lumkela! ke wena ose Rautini!

Uzakugutyu ngelwa! Ngumavuta ukuhamba axelis’ umlilo:

Yinyikima! leyo enqonqozayo emnyangweni wako,

Ifuna ukukugweba ngetyala ikuzinzise:

Taru! 35

Niyay’ vana? Lenyikima, apa e Rautini?

It whips fear into those who know.

Joburg, watch out when its blow seals your fate:

your Sodom and Gomorrah sink as you throttle Jehovah.

Under the soil lie treasures: 40

white elders are quick to break contracts.


Take care, Joburg: an earthquake buries you.

Peace, sturdy child of farflung Africa, can you hear this earthquake’s


Take care, Joburg, there it is: 45

a quake with a black club threatens you,

a wild beast awaiting your move,

sinners its only prey.

Earthquake, the hand of Jehovah,

knocking at your door! 50


Abaqondayo bobeta besotuka:

Lumkela! wena ose Rautini mhla yahlaba enkundleni lakusibekela:

Use Sodom ne Gomor’a, apo e Rautini mhla ak’ama u Yehova, lakutshon’ ilanga:

Kuba ngapantsi komhlaba, kuzel’ ubutyebi. 40

Zipambene ke ngoc’uku, ingwevu zabelungu:


Lumkela! wena ose Rautini, unyikimo pezu kwako akunto yabomi:

Niyasivana? esisimbonono senyikima? Taru! Nzwana enozinzo yakude e Afrika:

Lumkela! wena ose Rautini nantso! 45

Inyikima ikujamele ngenduku ezimdaka:

Liramncwa! kodwa aliqali mntu.

Neliyakumtya liyakumtya ngetyala:

Yinyikima! Isandla so Yehova.

Eso sinqonqozayo apo umi kona: 50


Nations's Bounty

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