Читать книгу How to Know What You What You Don,t Know - Normand Desmarais - Страница 6
Food and Drug Industry
Оглавление“I firmly believe that most if not all our ailments and diseases are directly related to the so called drugs and the poisons in the foods we are forced to purchase. The hospitals are full of patients with all kinds of health issues, why? Because it’s good business and highly profitable if you’re the one producing the pills and in control of the food source. You’ve got a public that has been deceived into believing your lies through advertizing and government legislation paid for by these industries.
“The larger companies make it extremely difficult for new start up industries, especially those that see the raw deal that the public is getting. Any new start up is forced out of business by some sort of legislation or forced to charge extremely high prices for their merchandise, which makes it very hard for an up and coming food supplier to get a foot hold. The worst part of this is when the new food producer is determined to supply wholesome nourishing foods to the public.
“I am constantly reminded of all this as I go about my daily business travelling around town and the rest of the country. What I see and hear makes me angry that most of the public is nothing more than a money making machine for these cold hearted individuals who prey on innocent victims day after day, year after year. I say to myself that this must stop and stop soon.
“Meanwhile people continue to suffer with all sorts of ailments diseases pains and obesity. They buy into the fast foods, the unhealthy foods, and the chemically produced dairy and meat products all washed and prepared with chlorinated water. My God it’s not enough to produce unhealthy foods we are forced to clean and cook with a poisoned water source as well.
“Chlorine was one of the first gases produced in world war one to kill and or maim the enemy on both sides. Shortly after the War it was introduced into the drinking water system of the nation. Why you might ask? Well it was discovered that this chemical did affect the brain, and one discovery was that it did reduce intelligence levels thereby helping to produce a nation of worker rather than self thinkers.
“Over a lifespan of fifty years it is assumed that a person looses about thirty percent of brain function rendering that person easier to control and subdue. Imagine a nation of unquestioning automatons easy to control, easy to rob them of their health wealth and happiness. Some might question or feel that something is wrong, but are unable to find an answer so they continue to be lead and told what to do.
“Those at the top look down and laugh and count the money they in a sense stole from us the general public. Their goal is to kill you, prevent you from being told the truth, to keep you in a state of constant imbalance. At birth you are given your first needle, full of toxins and poisons, the beginning of your demise. You are now a new customer of the system. From now on it is their greedy belief that you will fall into line and take all the lies and deceits that they have conjured up for their own profit.
You are now the perfect sucker to con and maim. Take your annual vaccine shot because there is a new virus that was just discovered off the coast of some foreign country (A newly invented sickness to generate more cash flow into their bank accounts is what it really is) and we like sheep follow and obey by rolling up our sleeves to receive another dose of a poisonous concoction.
They have been getting away with this system for thousands of years, and lately in the past century with the use of fabricated drugs and other concoctions. They have produced a lifestyle for us that is so full of stress it is a wonder that we are not all dead at this time, and they figure that it will never change. It is my goal that someday it will, that is why you are all here today, to be enlightened as to what is out there.”
The crowd applauded. Ronny continued. “Let’s not forget that apart from the food we eat and the drugs that by law are available to us, there is another rarely mentioned curse and that is alcoholism, booze of any sort is readily available anywhere. Booze of all sorts are advertized without remorse. Yet we are told by the so called authority to drink responsibly, take a cab or a bus, or use a dedicated driver.
We are not allowed to drink in a public place such as a park or on our front porch, yet it is ok to get completely wasted in a bar or at a party. Many believe that they can drive, of course there are many who make it home without any problems. The others and their victims are not so fortunate; here most often it is the victim who suffers the most. Lives are changed forever when a drunk driver is involved in an accident, occasionally he or she is the only victim who died or was badly injured. Most often it is one or several innocent victims in the other vehicle or on the side of the road that are killed or badly injured. To make matters worse the drunk often drives away not even aware of any wrong doing.
“Now this is not bad enough when many become addicted to alcohol. The destruction of the individual person’s life as well as whole families is affected. Jobs are lost divorces follow. Income and one’s net worth goes literally down the drain. This is a terrible disease where the individual is caught in this destructive system. Adding another destructive weapon to a happy family unit, this ultimately, affects many others around that family unit, further increasing the destruction of moral values, happiness and prosperity to the rest of the population.
“Getting back to the food, it has been said that there is not enough for the whole population of the planet. This is hogwash you would not believe the amount of food that is wasted. Let’s start from the farm, we will pick a vegetable let us say a carrot for example. The farmer has a ten acre plot dedicated to growing carrots. Each acre produces one ton of carrots that is ten tons altogether.
“Now it is harvesting time, the farmer gets all of the carrots out of the ground and sells ten tons to the processing plant. The plant sorts out the perfect ones to sell at the supermarkets, maybe gets two tons there. That leaves eight tons of deformed carrots (Keep in mind these are still edible carrots). Now the producer is no fool he will turn these carrots in to canned, frozen, and diced then packaged. Now some have fallen off the conveyer belt, that’s garbage maybe two hundred pounds, the waste begins.
“The produce, is then shipped to the warehouse and during the handling some product is damaged, say another two hundred pounds. We are now at four hundred pounds of wasted carrots. You may at this point say well that cannot be helped, well mechanical devices do not care what they do; they just do what they do.
“Now it is time to ship the carrots to the stores, and restaurants where inevitably there will be more damage, let’s keep it at two hundred pounds, which now totals six hundred pounds of wasted carrots. Now here is where it gets in front of us yet many do not see. You would be shocked at the waste at the restaurant garbage bin, and if you were to take just the carrots wasted from restaurants from the original ten tons here you would probably see another four hundred pounds of uneaten carrots. Children will refuse to eat them along with many adults yet they were placed on the plate. Total so far, one ton of wasted carrots.
Now add this up with the homes, old age homes that have thrown cooked but uneaten carrots away not to mention product that has gone bad for not being used in time. Another two tons, now we have an estimated three tons of wasted carrots. Combine this with all the other vegetables, fruit, meats, and dairy products, which is one big pile of wasted food. A large majority of this food could have fed many others, rather than having them starve to death.
“In other words there is so much waste from the production line to the shipping and handling, the storage to the table and into the garbage.”
“How do you know about all this?” A young male from the group asked.
“At one time in my life I have been involved from the farming to the production and handling of food stuffs and have seen it with my own eyes. I worked in the warehousing of foods as well as working in restaurants. I have also seen good food products sent to the dumps by the truck load. Many companies would rather dump none saleable foods containing blemishes or deformities, even though it is still edible, rather than giving to the poor, Even then at such a young age I was appalled at the waste which I witnessed. From that time to now, there is no person on this planet that can tell me that there is not enough to go around.” Ronny replied and continued by saying.
One of the back yard neighbours raised his hand.
Ronny saw this and said. “Yes Bill, what’s your question?”
Bill stood up and spoke. “A couple of weekends ago I heard you talk about foods from the gardens. I did not hear all of what you were talking about so could you please explain what you meant by deficiencies and bio what, ever it was?”
“Sure Bill, well the little amount that is grown in some back yard gardens does not have the same nutrients as say fifty years ago, for two reasons. A) The soil is not the same because of so much pollution. B) The seeds we buy are not the original seeds of days gone by, they are genetically modified to grow faster and fend off bugs. Did you know that in some countries it is against the law to sell or grow over a certain amount of original seeds to another person?”
Another example is corn, most if not all the corn produced these days is genetically modified. In other words the corn today is not the natural corn of yesteryear it has been modified to grow stronger, faster, bug resistant so they say, but in reality some of the genetic modifications produce undesirable changes in the human DNA, one example is sterility. I myself am not happy about that. Therefore I do not consume any corn related product, this includes fresh corn on the cob, Corn syrup, corn chips, and or anything else that has a corn added to it, I read the labels and if in doubt I don’t buy the product.
“It makes me wonder why they keep pushing the genetically modified produce, is there an underlying plan to spread some other form of illness that might be harder to detect. Is there an attempt to try and change our own genetic structure? Do they know of an impending change for the good of humanity, that they do not want to have happen to us? Is this the only way that they believe that they can keep some sort of control over us?
We do not know what we do not know, and not knowing is dangerous, as some would agree. I will keep repeating that I am not trying to scare anyone; I am only trying to make people aware to cause them to think about why things are and how it should be, to imagine what it would be like in a perfect world. Most people do not believe it to be possible. A tipping point would prove me right in the long run.
I am off topic, let us continue, as it stands today the fruit and vegetables that we grow today do not have the same nutrients as say over fifty years ago. You have to eat at least forty or more apples today to get the same nourishment as one apple fifty years ago. Some people in the audience were very surprised to hear this.
“Yes it is true it is now against the law to grow over a certain amount of original produce in your own back yard because the authorities fear that you might sell or give away any over flow of produce. If you are caught producing and selling/giving away original seeds of any kind, you will face a very stiff penalty.
“Also did you realize, that we and most other life are, dependant on the Bee population? Bees go from flower to flower pollinating as they collect nectar. They go into the farm fields and in the forests, anywhere that a flower of some sort has attracted them. If the bee population was to drop drastically then we would be in very serious trouble to produce foods and the seeds for the next generation of plants.
“Now here is the scary part, there are some agencies telling the Bee Keepers to kill the queens every two or three years. Why is that? Well for one thing the genetic information is lost and the new queen has to start over lacking much information that would have been passed on. This inevitably causes much confusion in the Bee world, and then we are affected as well with less food production, heck even the wild life is affected as well with less diversity of plant life.”
“Let me continue on the original topic.”
“We have all been brought up in a wasteful society. We waste not only food but practically everything else around us. Plastics such as bags, bottles, cans, wrapping materials clothes, most of which is recyclable but much of it ends up in the dump. We use it once and discard it. We act like spoiled brats that do not know any better. We are being watched by the rest of the world, especially by those that have not.
“Many people don’t know when to stop eating they feel that they have to eat everything on the plate. Many eating establishments actually overfill the plates and bowls of greasy fat making foods, the results of all of this is not hard to notice, when you see the amount of needless obesity about. Don’t tell me that within the last fifty years or so that there has been an epidemic of people with bad genes that cause them to be obese.
“If one looks closely at the problem they would see that it is the food that is consumed being the root cause of obesity. One of the many hurtful foods to the human body is sugar. Especially white processed sugar and fructose glucose, anything made with corn syrup is very damaging to our health, since most corn today is genetically modified.
How many here listen to the radio or watch TV?” Most of those listening raised their hands, smiling as they did so, seemingly proud of the fact that they were the same as the rest of the people in the room.
Ronny observed and made a mental note. “Now all those that did not raise their hand please stand, I want everyone to make an observation. Those that did not raise their hand nervously stood up as requested. Ronny again made a mental note. “Now everyone still seated please look at these eight who are standing. What do you notice about them?”
One male sitting nearest those standing yelled out. “There are five women and three men standing.”
“This is true.” Remarked, Ronny. “But do you notice anything special or different about them?”
A lady stood up and said. “They seem nervous.”
“They have no need to be, for they are proof of the point I am about to make.” Ronny replied with a smile on his face.
“What are you trying to say here?” One of the standing women asked nervously.
“I asked who listens to the radio or watches TV and you people standing did not raise your hand. This told me that you were not influenced as much by advertising as the rest of the group here. Also you are proof of advertising because not one of you who are standing shows any signs of obesity. Which means you probably do not go to fast food outlets am I correct?”
All eight agreed with Ronny and seemed relieved that they were not being made a fool of. Ronny thanked them then he asked them to sit down.
Ronny continued. “As I mentioned earlier several weeks ago in my backyard that I am not here to lecture, I am here only to inform and enlighten. The majority of us have been influenced by so much advertizing without your even realizing it. Don’t feel bad or guilty of this you are not alone, the advertisers are experts at subtle brainwashing and that is exactly what it is.
“They are very good at making you give them your money for items and so called good food that you think you need now. You just need to learn to be aware of what is happening to you so that you can start to take control of your own thinking. One way to start is to go for a snack, a drink, or a pee during the commercials, better still turn the boob tube off and read a book, maybe spend more quality time with family and friends.”
A tall unshaven, potbellied male stood up and pointed a finger at Ronny and speaking loudly in an angry voice. “Are you telling us that were a bunch of lazy, stupid morons?”
“Not at all, you are all intelligent individuals that have one way or another been influenced by a very sophisticated advertising system that has many years of experience in deception, manipulation and outright lies. They use ways to make it all look so good honest and wholesome, most of all absolutely necessary. They practically built the lifestyle that most of you here presently enjoy. All I am trying to do is point out these little nuances that they use to subtly brainwash the population into letting go of their hard earned cash.” Ronny explained as politely as he could, thinking to himself this fellow could cause a terrible disturbance, just like a bull in a china shop.
The man stood there for a moment and at his wife’s insistence sat back down folded his arms and smiled at her then at Ronny.
Ronny smiled back at the man and said. “Like I’ve said before and will say many more times, ’it’s all about, the money.’ Have you ever noticed that a lot of the stuff you saw through advertising is usually not what it was made out to be, not what you really expected, you usually threw it away shortly after wards, or stopped using it, and it is now collecting dust?”
Ronny paused and scanned the crowd, he could see many people turning to others and nodding their heads in agreement with what he had just said. Ronny continued.
“More and more people are becoming aware of the advertising trickery they are beginning to demand healthier foods at the grocery stores, and are beginning to shop more at health food stores and buying natural medicines. Unfortunately at this time the prices are much higher at these places, but if you look at the value here and ask yourself, what is my health and life worth? Another little known fact is that the healthier foods actually work out to be the same price and sometimes cheaper in the long run because the healthier foods tend to go further, so the price is pretty much the same, even though initially it is more expensive at the time of purchase.
Every time I go to the different health food stores that I frequent, all the owners say the same thing. They tell me that the government has intention of either shutting them down or seriously impeding their business, by limiting the products that are most helpful to health. The drug industry is behind this and is actually pushing for the sales of perfectly good natural medicines to be watered down so that they become rather useless.
This in turn is a gimmick, for they then can say that ‘see natural medicines are no good and totally useless’. It is their way of underhandedly giving the homeopathic medicines another black eye. Then they will have the gall to say see our medicines are better. Again this is just another little dirty trick that they play to con us into buying the chemical harm that they produce.
“Now how about some questions and answers?”
The crowd sat silent for a moment when the pot bellied man stood up and asked. “What is it about the stuff we buy that’s so bad for us?”
Ronny asked. “Give me a specific example of what you’re asking.”
“I like my snacks and beer.” He said with a smile, that was missing a few teeth.
“Well let’s start with the beer I suggest that you make your own that way you are in control of the ingredients. Homemade naturally brewed beer is healthier with fewer chemicals than store bought beer. Rather than buying bags of oily chips and cheesies, snack on organic raw nuts and or dried vegetable chips. Stay away from canned pop and candies, there is way too much sugar in them. Stay away from milk chocolate rather get, dark chocolate with a high cocoa number, the higher the number the better.
“I know that ninety-nine percent of the population at least, loves sweets heck so do I. I have however scaled down my consumption of sugar in any form (even though I occasionally snack on a donut or a piece of cake, but I don’t go overboard like when I was younger and did not know any better. Chemically produced sugars are known to cause many side effects such as obesity, diabetes, and other ailments.
Here is an excerpt from the book By Dr. Leonard Coldwell “The Only Cure For Cancer”
“It has been discovered that people, with burn out syndrome and stress related disorders, that if they stop taking sugar, artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup and all other chemicals that are used as sweeteners and take 100% all organic, natural and safe products www.justlikesugar.com available at whole foods and other good food resource places, that within a very short span of time, often just days. ALL the symptoms of restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, depression, addictiveness, stress, and the lack of concentration simply disappear, if it is caused by diet related causes.
“Dr. Thomas Hohn MD. NMD of Germany, conducted a private study with his own patients and found that Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, and some cancer patients and most of all patients with Restless Leg syndrome or undefended muscular spasms showed a very fast positive change after they had been taken off the sugars and sweeteners and had been put on the product of www.justlikesugar.com . Since the study one thing a lot of patients reported that their gums were getting healthier and even gum disease disappeared after they started using just like sugar.
If you absolutely must have sweets then organic sugars are best, such as natural unpasteurized honey, natural maple syrup, and unprocessed sugar cane (course brown sugar) or sugar from sugar beets.
“Candy, food, and bakery stores are loaded with candies of all types and colors as well as pastries pies and cakes of every imaginable description. All of these products are mouth watering, delicious looking, you just got to have some, right? Women when you go shopping do you find yourself tripping over sweets for sale, at almost every turn in the shopping store isles?”
Practically every arm in the room was raised in agreement to this question. Ronny continued.
“Most soda pops are just as bad for your health as well is especially diet pops, did you know that they often contain more sugar than regular pop. Many people wonder why they can’t lose weight by drinking diet pops. One way to lose weight is to stop drinking pops and over eating on the sweets. If, your answer is but I really like the stuff, all I can say is stop complaining to others as to how bad you feel and look.
I find it extremely odd as to why someone would go to a restaurant or fast food place and order a cheeseburger with bacon and large fries, then a pastry. Then wash it all down with a diet pop, saying I’m trying to lose weight. Eating like that will never help you lose weight it will only add weight. The weight is caused by the fatty foods along with the over eight spoons of artificial sugars in the diet pop that is proven to add not lose weight. Just because the word diet is on the container does not make it the truth.
“If you were to eliminate everything that contains the wrong kind of sugar in the foods and drinks plus the chemically modified dairy and meats, then the stores would be very empty indeed.
A back yard resident whom Ronny had seen many times raised his hand.
When, Ronny saw him. “Yes young man, what question would you like to ask?”
The young man stood up and said. “My name is Adam and I’ve been listening to you talk about how bad pop is, but you don’t explain why it’s bad.”
As the young man had stood up, Ronny could see that the lad had a severe case of acne since the lighting in the room highlighted this fact.
Ronny asked him. “Adam, how long and how much pop do you drink per day?”
Adam answered. “I’ve been drinking pop most of my life, and I drink about four to five cans a day. I like the stuff and I don’t see anything wrong with it.” He added.
Ronny then asked. “Do you eat chips and other sweets as well?”
Adam replied. “Yeh, so what’s wrong with that?”
Ronny then looked out into the audience and asked the people. “Who else, drinks more than one can of pop per day as well as chips and sweets?”
Many hands were raised at this question.
Ronny then said. “Ok, could everyone who has an acne problem or low energy level, and heart trouble, could you all stand up please?”
Over half of the audience stood up.
Ronny then asked. Does anyone here standing know why they have their particular problem, if so raise your hand.”
No one raised their hand.
Ronny then asked. “Who would like to know?’ This time all hands were raised.
“Ok then, who here feels that they have a strong enough will to try a thirty day experiment?” Ronny inquired.
Ronny saw that about half the hands were raised at this time.
“Ok, everyone sit down please.” Ronny continued. “Here is what I would like you to do. Starting today I want you to note how you feel and how you look in a mirror. Those of you with blemishes and those of you with heart conditions need to be very honest with yourselves, and stick to this for at least thirty days.
“Now here is what I am asking you to do. Stop today for thirty days, don’t drink any pop or eat any chips and sweets for thirty days. Then note how you feel and look after this time period is ended.
“I will tell you right now what you will discover and that is, your acne problems will clear and you will notice a clearer complexion. Those of you with heart problems will notice a better healthier more vibrant person looking back at you in the mirror. On top of that you will not only save yourself money, but you will all feel much healthier with more energy.”
The audience sat there quietly.
Ronny then asked. “How many here will try this experiment?”
The first one to raise his hand was Adam who then stood up, followed by about thirty more people of varying ages.
“That’s fantastic.” Ronny announced.
The rest of the audience then applauded.
Ronny added. We are not attacking your symptom here we are attacking the cause of the symptom. We are eliminating the main problem that you are presently afflicted with.”
“Let’s continue with what I was talking about before.”
“Here is an easy hint for a healthier life ‘SACC’ means Sugar, Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Coffee. Dramatically cutting down on these four alone will greatly improve your health. White sugar is extremely unhealthy, it is found in most sweets, pops, and cereals to name just a few items. Too much alcohol kills brain cells and causes liver problems which can kill. Smoking is not the healthy thing that was advertized by doctors many years ago.
While coffee is a diuretic, all four of these add chemicals to your system producing an acidic imbalance. This acidic imbalance severely impedes your immune system to function properly. Processed dairy products and meats add other toxins to your body further producing an acidic imbalance to your immune system. With an unbalanced PH factor you are now running the risk of developing cancer.
Keeping in mind that cancer does not just happen, for a cancer node to be discovered it needs time to grow before it is detected, possible eight to ten years. Meanwhile you have been enjoying all this tasty but dangerous foods. It is no wonder when people say I’ve been eating this stuff for years and there is nothing wrong with me. Not realizing that they are a walking cancer patient in the making. A ticking time bomb of ill health, also known as a money making machine for the drug industry.
“All four of these combined multiply your chances of cancer and many other medical problems. Yes I understand that you will say that you’ve been using all these for years and you still feel ok now, but did you know that they are silent killers and are slowly creeping up on you? There is a group out there that wants you to die, but before you do they want to make as much money from you as possible.”
“I should also mention here that most meats and dairy products are loaded with chemicals, especially anything that has been processed and packaged to look appealing is very harmful in the long run. So when many of these items say best ‘Micro-waved’, now there is even more harm to your body. For using a micro wave will actually kill any remaining good that was left in the food, (you are unknowingly eating sterile food that has no nutritional value what-so-ever) I threw mine out years ago, and my health has improved.
To help get your immune system back working at as full efficiency as possible, one way is to get body PH levels to as near as possible to normal levels by taking antioxidants. Many fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants as well as many herbs and other natural medications.
A lady at the back stood up and asked. “Are you a health nut, like are you a vegetarian or something,”
“I am sort of a health nut in a way and no I’m not a true vegan. I do eat some meats like fish, chicken, and some beef, but it has to be organically grown, meaning the cows and chickens eat what nature intended for them to eat, also they are not given needles full of chemicals to make them grow faster and bigger. They are also slaughtered humanly reducing stress and fear.
“I also eat fish but it has to be wild, either fresh or salt water is ok, not farm grown in ponds or holding pens. Then only fish with scales, not any form of crustaceans like shrimp or lobster since these are bottom feeders meaning they eat garbage. I also stay away from larger predatory fish like tuna because they eat the smaller ones. The larger fish tend to collect more toxins in them by eating smaller fish, all fish have some toxins in them, but larger ones seem to have more.
“In regards to fruits and vegetable, they are best eaten raw. Cooking most often robs them of the nutrients especially fruit. I agree that cooked fruit still tastes good but there is no real nutritional value left after cooking. Raw fruit is the most healthiest to eat, yet some vegetable are ok to cook, while others are best raw. I am not fully authorized on this subject but I do know a little bit, there are many sites on the internet where you can get more information about this then I can give you here. But I can tell you that I also eat raw unsalted organic nuts, I even eat chocolate but it has to be dark, the higher the cocoa content the better.”
A younger man in the front row stood up and asked.”What about pizza and ice cream?”
“If you like to eat pizza without cheese that’s ok. I stay away from dairy products because of the health hazards such as homogenization which kills all the good organisms. Most of the dairy products available today are also full of chemicals given to the cows to grow faster and produce more milk. Often the cows are milked by machines that don’t feel or see if there is a sore or abscess on the teat. The machines keep milking till there is no more fluid available and quite often over milk extracting blood and puss from the udder or sore on the udder.”
If all of this supposedly good food is not enough, many people further destroy any remaining good in it by using a micro wave which destroys any remaining good microbes. I have not used a micro wave for many years now and I have noticed an improvement in my own health. Cooking on a stove or oven, even a toaster oven is much healthier.
My advice to all of you is to stop cooking with a micro wave oven, throw it out. Or just use a micro wave to warm water or a bean bag to sooth your aches and pains. By the way eating healthier and not using a micro wave will actually reduce and eliminate aches and pains I found this out through experience.
An elderly gentleman stood up and asked. “Where do you get all this information?”
Ronny replied. “I am a member of The Neothink Society, you can call support services at 1-800-480-2336 for more information, also I am a member of GIN which is an information site you can go on line at.
I strongly urge you to join The Global Information Network because there you will find so much more information that is extremely helpful in so many ways. Also being a member of (GIN) you will be able to see and listen to many speakers who have the knowledge to help you to a better life of Health, prosperity, and happiness.
By the way it is free to you when you go to the site make sure to read the home page then listen to the video. If you decide to become a full member of GIN you are automatically a member of the Natural Cures site as well, here you gain in depth information on natural health and medical information.”
“Let’s take a short fifteen minute break so that you can stretch your legs, grab a drink if you wish. I have to see to the other speakers.”