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Healing Cancer From the Inside Out


Ronny continued by adding. “I highly recommend that you get a hold of a video called ‘Healing Cancer from Inside Out’ by Mike Anderson produced by RaveDiet.com produced in 2008.

This movie documentary also features T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. The China Study, Brian Clement, PH.D. Hippocrates Health Institute, Brenda Cobb, The Living Foods Institute, Mirea Ellis, The Kushi Institute, Charlotte Gerson, The Gerson Institute, Matt Lederman, M.D., Transition to Health Inc., Thomas Lodi, M.D., An Oasis of Healing, John A. McDougall, M.D., Dr. McDougall’s Health & Medical Center, and many more.

Another older gentleman raised his hand. Upon noticing this Ronny acknowledged him and said.

“Yes sir what is your question?”

The man stood up and asked. “Ronny could you give us a brief description of what is on this video, sort of get our interest going in wanting to know more about it. I feel that if people in the audience had a bit more of an idea of what’s in it, they will more than likely get and view it, don’t you think?” He turned to the crowd to make sure that he was not alone in his idea.

When he saw many heads nodding in agreement he smiled and sat down.

Ronny smiled as he saw the results of the man’s question.

“Very well, I will give a brief overview of what you will learn. First of all you must remember that I am quoting from the film so that you understand how important this is, not only to me but for all of you here today, to know that I am not the only one that is trying to enlighten the public of the lies we are fed, so here goes.


“When we are diagnosed with cancer we are instilled with the fear that death is imminent, that we only have a short amount of time to make a decision for the doctor to cure us. Rest assured that the cancer tumour that has just recently been discovered took eight to ten years to get to the size that it was discovered at. Also that death could possibly be another eight to ten years away.

“By law the doctor has to tell you that you are in immediate danger (A scare tactic). He or she can go to prison if you are told that you can cure yourself with natural remedies. He or she tells youthat the cancer is so rampant in your body, that nothing can be done. We are told we have a certain amount of time to live, we are then sent home to die.

“If you want to cure yourself from cancer you have to go outside the present medical system. Cancer today is a business. The cancer industry makes billions of dollars annually from innocent and unknowing victims. You cannot win the war on cancer with conventional treatments, yet they are the only ones allowed by law.”

“I will give you some quotes from the video.

“The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be” Allen Greenberg, M.D.

“There is for the first time a scent of victory in the air” Readers Digest article on chemotherapy 1957

We have been fed false promises over the years. Conventional medicine claims a cure is just around the corner, they have been saying this for over a hundred years. If you look back at all the claims saying that a cure is very close you will find that you have been misled, conventional medicine is no closer to giving you a cure today than it was over sixty-five years ago. This to me proves that it is all about the money, rather than your life or health.

“Here is another quote: “We are so close to finding a cure for cancer. We lack only the will and kind of money…That went into putting a man on the moon” American Cancer Society. A full page ad in the New York Times 1969

“Another: The National Cancer Institute and The American Cancer Society have misled and confused the public and Congress by repeated false claims that we are winning the war on cancer” Samuel Epstein, M.D.

“Another: “….with billions of dollars for ten years we could lick cancer” Testimony to Congress from the director of M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumour Institute 1969

“Another: “The next few years will see the emergence of an arsenal of drugs…” Lucien Israel, Conquering Cancer 1978

“Another: Cancer deaths can be cut in half by the year 2000” Peter Greenwald, M.D. The National Cancer Institute 1989

“Another: “We are going to lick cancer by 2015” Congressman Benjamin Cardin 2006

“Another: “Chemotherapy is only somewhat effective in only 2-3% of all cancer patients. 1985 Mostly: Hodgkin’s disease, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, Testicular Cancer, Choriocarinoma, and things have not changes since then.

“Another: “…some 35 years of intense effort focused on improving treatment must be judged as a qualified failure.” John C. Bailar, M.D. The New England Journal of Medicine 1986.

“Another: “For most of today’s common solid cancers, the ones that cause 90% of the cancers deaths each year, chemotherapy has never proven to do any good at all” Urich Abel, M.D. University of Heidelberg 1990.

“Another: “Overall death rates from many common cancers remain stubbornly unchanged –or even higher- than the war began.” E. Marshall, M.D. Science Magazine 1991.

“Another: “We have given it our best effort for decades. Billions of dollars of support, the best scientific talent available, it hasn’t paid off.” John C. Bailar, M.D. Harvard University 1997.

Ronny added. “The death rate has not changed over the years. Conventional medicine using chemotherapy, which basically burns the cancer cells in a desired location in the body, also cause many other and most often more damage than if nothing at all was done. These dangerous tools destroy the immune system and cause many to be much sicker than before entering the hospital for this useless treatment. In effect shortening and or endangering the life of the patient.

“Surgery which is cutting out sections and sometimes complete organs including body parts is so medieval, it is a wonder that the modern public does not see this, proving the excellent job of brainwashing the public into giving up their life, health, and most of all cash to the medical system.

“Surgery, only removes the tip of the iceberg it never cures the reoccurrence or cause. We all live with cancer every living thing on this planet has cancer in them all the time. The only system capable of detecting and killing cancer is your immune system. When our bodies are bombarded with prescription medicines and processed foods, our immune systems are weakened.

“I have been talking mostly about chemotherapy… here is a sample of the survival rate through the use of chemotherapy.

Percent 5-year

Cancer Survival




Multipul Myeloma……………………………..00.0



Soft Tissue……………………………………….00.0

Unknown Primary Site………………………..00.0





Head and Neck…………………………………01.9






Non-Hodgkin Lymp…………………………..10.5



Hodgkin disease…………………………………….40.3

Note: Testis and Hodgkin represent only 2% of all cancers and the survival rates themselves are not impressive, no better than a sugar pill (placebo).

The same tall unshaven pot bellied man who had stood up earlier in the morning stood up and asked.

“I am starting to get the picture and I would like to start changing my eating habits so where can we get this video that you’ve been talking about?”

Ronny replied. “That is a great idea.”

“You can order this video by going to; www.ravediet.com When you get to the website check out the 6 minute video.

“Here are some more tidbits from this video, ‘Most health problems begin in the kitchen’

“Rave stands for No-Refined foods

No-Animal foods

No-Vegetable oils

No-Exceptions =Exercise

“It is a lot easier telling people to take a pill, than it is telling them to change their eating habits.

How to Know What You What You Don,t Know

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