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Title Page


Acknowledgements Notes

Foreword Notes

Introduction: The age of mutual aid The law of the jungle A potentially fatal paralysis The emergence of another law of the jungle The construction site of the new century Notes

1 The history of a forgetting Everywhere, all the time, and in every colour Why society didn't see it – a story of myths Why science didn’t see it – a story of genes Notes

2 Spontaneous mutual aid Contrary to popular belief … How are we to explain these automatisms? Notes

3 Group mechanisms The hard core of mutual aid: reciprocity The transition to the group: extended reciprocity Very large groups: invisible reciprocity Notes

10  4 The spirit of the group A magical moment: when the group becomes one Towards universal principles? Mutual aid taken to the extreme A tragic moment: when mutual aid collapses Notes

11  5 Beyond the group The big bad wolf principle Can groups provide mutual aid to each other? Notes

12  6 Since the dawn of time The evolution of human mutual aid The evolution of mutual aid between peers The evolution of mutual aid between species An endless source of innovation Notes

13  Conclusion: The new face of mutual aid Much more than just a law of the jungle The main principles of mutual aid Towards a new vision of mutual aid Notes

14  Epilogue: For which world? Are we going to kill each other? Towards another mythology Beyond humankind Notes

15  Appendix: On the ‘new sociobiology’ An earthquake in the land of sociobiology The various evolutionary forces behind mutual aid Notes

16  End User License Agreement



Table of Contents

Title Page




Introduction: The age of mutual aid

Begin Reading

Conclusion: The new face of mutual aid

10  Epilogue: For which world?

11  Appendix: On the ‘new sociobiology’

12  End User License Agreement











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Mutual Aid

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