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Field Guide

to the

Wild World of Religion

2011 Edition

Pamela S. Dewey

Originally published 2005

Contents edited and updated for this 2011 Edition

Copyright 2012 Pamela Dewey,

All rights reserved.

Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


Field Guide to the Wild World of Religion Website

The companion website to this Field Guide book is at:


The website has a continually-growing collection of profiles of a variety of

individuals and groups which have been or are currently influential in the

Wild World of Religion.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

About the Author

Pam Dewey holds a BA in Education, magna cum laude, from Michigan State University, with graduate work emphasizing education, sociology, and psychology. Her popular Field Guide website provides information, documentation, and commentary on many religious teachers and groups.




The American religious scene in 1955 was a very tame and predictable world. It matched the tame, predictable world of women’s clothing, where most women going out shopping wore a dress with coordinating gloves, hat, and shoes. And it matched the tame, predictable world of children’s toys, where almost every young girl yearned for a baby doll that said Ma-Ma, and almost every boy needed a coonskin cap. Choices of fashions, toys, preachers, and churches were limited and domesticated.

Fifty years later, the tame, predictable world of 1950s fashions and toys is long gone. Women go shopping in everything from sweatshirts and jeans to tube tops and short shorts. And both boys and girls want the latest Sponge Bob Square Pants video game. The same kind of transformation has gone on in the world of religion. It is no longer tame and predictable either.

Welcome to the Wild World of Religion of the 21st Century. Explore its habitats, identify some of the inhabitants, and learn about their characteristics and customs in this Field Guide.

Field Guide to the Wild World of Religion: 2011 Edition

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