Читать книгу Field Guide to the Wild World of Religion: 2011 Edition - Pamela J.D. Dewey - Страница 20

Ex-Member Cult-Watch Websites


Once an individual or a group of individuals manage to extricate themselves from involvement in a religious group that they are convinced held them in some sort of spiritual bondage, they may feel called to warn others to avoid the group. They may desire to reach out to those who are still in the group, and attempt to help them also “see the light.” In most cases, their primary focus is not so much on the error of the doctrines of the group that they left, but the methods used by the leadership of the group to keep them deceived. Thus, the material on most ex-member cult watch websites may emphasize historical documentation on the abuses of power exercised by the founder and/or later leaders of the groups, and incidents of deception used to mislead members.

Field Guide to the Wild World of Religion: 2011 Edition

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