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Chief Measurement Officer's Toolkit


With all my books there is a heavy focus on implementation. My role, as I see it, is to prepare the route forward. To second guess the barriers the KPI team will need to cross and set out the major tasks they will need to undertake.

Naturally each implementation will reflect the organization's culture, future ready status, the level of commitment from the CEO and the senior management team, and the expertise of the in-house staff selected to run this project.

I have provided a PDF of templates to be read and used in conjunction with Key Performance Indicators, Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs, Third Edition. The location of the templates is indicated in the relevant chapter with this icon .

Case Studies

To assist implementation I have further developed the lessons from KPI implementations I have been privileged to witness as an observer.

Common CSFs and their Relevant Measures

Although organizations need to go through the processes suggested in this book, I am always asked to give examples of common CSFs and their related performance measures.

In Chapter 17 I set out a table of common CSFs and the key result indicators (KRIs), result indicators (RIs), performance indicators (PIs), and some key performance indicators (KPIs) that would work.

Comparison to Other Methodologies

I have compared, in Chapter 18, the winning KPIs methodology to Kaplan and Norton's balanced scorecard, Stacey Barr's PuMP, and Paul Niven's balanced scorecard. I have also highlighted important sections of their work that the reader is advised to access.

Chief Measurement Officer Job Description

To aid KPI projects I have, with Dean Spitzer's help, set out a chief measurement officer's job description (see Appendix B). I firmly believe that KPIs will only truly function when an organization commits to establishing and assigning some in-house talent into the chief measurement officer's role.

Table of Performance Measures

As with earlier editions I have provided over 200 performance measures in a table (see Appendix E). This table is a listing of performance measures to help start this process off. It will be a valuable resource when looking at performance measures during workshop sessions.

Some of the performance measures in this list will be performance indicators (PIs), result indicators (RI), key performance indicators (KPIs), and key result indicators (KRIs). It is up to the KPI project team to ascertain in which of the four categories the final set of performance measures should be placed.

Leading and Selling Change

I have put much more effort in explaining this important area and have embraced John Kotter's work.7

A Greater Emphasis on the Sales Process

Many initiatives fail, not because they were not needed or meaningful, but because the hearts and minds of the senior management team, managers, and staff had not been engaged adequately. I have provided a full chapter (see Chapter 10) on selling from the preparation of an elevator speech to the compelling presentation to the senior management team. I have also included, in Appendix C, a section from my management book8 that covers over 25 tips to enhance “selling change” presentations.

PowerPoint Sales Pitches

To aid readers I have provided some free PowerPoint presentations on my website: KPI.davidparmenter.com/thirdedition.

Electronic Media Available

To support you implementing the strategies and better practices in this book, the following electronic media are available (some for a small fee):

● Webcasts and recorded presentations (see www.davidparmenter.com/webcasts). Some of these are free to everyone and some are accessed via a third party for a fee.

● A PDF of the checklists, draft agendas, questionnaires, and worksheets from chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 is available from (kpi.davidparmenter.com/thirdedition). The web site will refer to a word from a specific page in this book which you need to use as a password.

● The electronic versions of all the templates and most of the report formats, featured in the book, can be purchased from www.davidparmenter.com


John Kotter Leading Change, (Harvard Business Review Press, 2012).


David Parmenter, The Leading-Edge Manager's Guide to Success: Strategies and Better Practices (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2011).

Key Performance Indicators

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