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1. If you chose c, you already

know the difference between

spoons used for measuring

and spoons used for eating or

stirring. Measuring spoons (and

measuring cups) allow you to

add exactly the right amount of

an ingredient to a recipe. When

you’re baking something like

bread or cake or cookies, it’s

especially important that mea-

surements are precise. That’s

because the ingredients that make baked things deliciously puffy

or chewy have to be in just the right amount to do their job. It’s

chemistry in action!

2. If you chose a, you know there are special

tools and techniques for mixing ingredients

together. A whisk is an actual gadget that’s

used to whip ingredients by hand when a

spoon won’t do. With a whisk, you can add

air to eggs so they’re light and fluffy, or mix

oil and vinegar together into a creamy salad

dressing, or make thick whipped cream from

the liquid in the carton.

3. If you chose b, you have a

good sense of what makes

a meal both exciting and

healthy. When planning a

meal, cooks decide which

foods from different food

groups they’ll include.

(That’s the healthy part.)

They also think about

ways to make a meal look

yummy on the plate, such

as combining colors and

serving a pleasing variety

of foods.

A Smart Girl's Guide: Cooking

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