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Cooking passes on world

history, too. Every culture

expresses itself with its

own special foods. When

you’re eating hummus,

spring rolls, or curry, you’re

experiencing other places in

the tastiest way.

Adults Required!

A kitchen is a glorious place. It can

also be a dangerous one, though. So

before you do any of the activities

in this book, ask permission from an

adult. And while you’re in the kitch-

en, an adult needs to be with you

at all times. Never cook alone.

(Cooking is more fun with

other people anyway!)

You can join that great tradition.

It’s easy. Not only can you learn to

make family favorites, but you can

invent your own mouthwatering

dishes, too.

The more you cook, the more

you’ll get to know how foods

and flavors go together, and

how to change things up the

way you like. One day you

won’t even need a recipe—

except when you want to try

something really different.

Cooking is old, yet at the

same time, for a creative

cook, cooking is always new.

Welcome to the club!

A Smart Girl's Guide: Cooking

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