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Cheeses, such as cheddar, feta, and mozzarella. Yogurt, ice cream, and

pudding. A frosty shake or a mug of hot chocolate. Milk and foods made

from milk are called the dairy group. They do double duty by counting

in the protein group, too, but what makes dairy foods special is that

they have lots of the mineral calcium. Without calcium, you wouldn’t have bones or teeth!

Plan with MyPlate

This cheerful plate shows you how

much of which kind of food to

eat each day. It also makes a great

guide to planning meals for your-

self, your family, and your friends.

Fruits and vegetables take up half

the plate, followed by grains, and

then protein and dairy. You don’t

have to eat each meal like this, but

keep the plate in mind over the

course of a day or a week.

Girl Power

Two minerals are really important

for girls: calcium and iron. Calcium

builds strong bones, and iron

helps your blood carry oxygen

around your body. Dairy foods

are the richest source of calcium,

but broccoli, almonds, and many

beans are good, too. For iron,

great sources are eggs, red meat,

and broccoli. (Broccoli—a calcium

and iron twofer!)

A Smart Girl's Guide: Cooking

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