Читать книгу (101 things to know when you go) ON SAFARI IN AFRICA - Patrick Brakspear - Страница 26

Charity on safari


Many visitors to Africa feel a strong urge to help the less fortunate whom they encounter on safari, or when visiting a local village or school. People often ask what they can take, especially for the children – pens? books?

By and large it is probably better to keep a look out for an appropriate opportunity while you are traveling rather than carry along gifts from home. My suggestion would be to talk with your guide or with the management of the camps/lodges where you are staying. Many of the safari camps and lodges are actively involved in working with their local communities to sustain schools, clinics and other projects. Ask about this when you are there and visit the school, clinic or project if you can – making a donation to something you have seen on the ground will bring you more satisfaction (and directly help the neediest). Try to contribute in a way that helps a person (or community) help themselves - a donation towards a project that will enhance their way of life.

What I would ask is that you resist the temptation to offer ‘hand outs’ to kids on the side of the road. This only encourages dependency on such generosity and teaches these children that begging brings reward. There is no dignity in begging and the harassment it fosters will not endear you to the next group of tourists either!

A rather fun idea is to gift a football (soccer ball) – all of Africa loves soccer yet not all the children have a ball with which to play – for more information go to Footballs For Fun or merely buy a couple of balls before you leave home. Or take a look at Pack For A Purpose for more ideas.

(101 things to know when you go) ON SAFARI IN AFRICA

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