Читать книгу (101 things to know when you go) ON SAFARI IN AFRICA - Patrick Brakspear - Страница 29

Some dangers..


Africa has a number of diseases that have been eradicated, or do not occur, in the developed world – diseases such as polio, cholera, typhoid and yellow fever are still prevalent in some African countries and you should be wary. Malaria is certainly a threat, while bilharzia, and African sleeping sickness are uncommon. Both Ebola and the Zika Virus appear to be under control, but the latest Covid-19 pandemic is a cause of concern until a viable vaccine can be found.

Whilst the list of diseases is long, the risk to you as a safari goer should not be over-stated. Please read the recommendations offered below, and be sure to consult your local doctor or health professional before you leave home.

(101 things to know when you go) ON SAFARI IN AFRICA

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