Читать книгу The Story of Stuart and Frank: How You Can Achieve the Results You Really Want - Paul Browning - Страница 6




I would like to introduce you to two families who live next door to one another in a nice part of town. Both families enjoy a substantial income, own a couple of cars, take nice holidays every year and they show all the outward appearances of a comfortable lifestyle.

Take a look at the illustration. Here we see our two happy and contented proud mums-to-be. Both are really excited at the prospect of giving birth to their first child in a few days time. As responsible parents they will want the very best for their children, but how do they know what the very best is? Both parents will have great expectations for their child. But will those expectations be met?

You see, all responsible parents will love their infants; they will keep them warm, comfortable and well fed. But is that enough?

We could conclude that because of all the external appearances the outlook appears very rosy for both babies. This may or may not be the case. A child born into an underprivileged family could become very successful, whereas a child born into a rich upper class family could turn out to be chemically addicted later in life. Family background, whatever it might be, is not necessarily a guarantee for success or failure.

But the first few years of a child’s life is going to be profoundly affected by its parents’ style of parenting. As The Story of Stuart and Frank unfolds you will notice the differences in the behaviour of each child.

Stuart and Frank will, without any shadow of doubt, become a product of other people’s habitual way of thinking and acting.


Like so many people, you may have been brought up to believe that you shouldn’t think too much of yourself or expect too much of yourself. As a youngster whenever you attempted to express some innate talent, you may have been told, “Stop showing off” or, “You are a big head, will you please pipe down?”

This kind of thinking is very limiting and needs to be changed. So, begin to train your mind to have great expectations for yourself, great expectations for your loved ones, great expectations for your friends, work colleagues and all those you meet along the way.

Expect the very best, and guess what? The very best will suddenly appear.

There is a sound principle to support this last statement and this principle is revealed to you in the next chapter.

The Story of Stuart and Frank: How You Can Achieve the Results You Really Want

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