Читать книгу How to Write Brilliant Psychology Essays - Paul Dickerson - Страница 7
ОглавлениеEven when there is just a single author indicated on a book’s cover, there are many people involved in making it a reality. My conversations with students, across nearly three decades of teaching, have made me keen to unlock the potential that they – and other students – have, so that they can each write in a way that really shows their mind at work. I am grateful to all of my friends and colleagues at Roehampton, including Jen Mayer, Jean O’Callaghan, John Rae, Gina Pauli and Marta Jackowska, who have been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement regarding writing this text and I am truly grateful to each of them.
I have been really fortunate to have had the benefit of working with a very talented team at Sage. I would like to thank three commissioning editors: Becky Taylor, who got the (metaphorical) ball rolling, then Rob Patterson, who kept the ball rolling, and finally Donna Goddard, whose wise oversight across so much of the project helped (to stay with the metaphor) see the ball safely into the hole/back of the net/ball sanctuary. I have also benefited enormously from the regular contact, encouragement and advice from editorial assistants Katie Rabot and, subsequently, Marc Barnard. I am very grateful to all of the production team at Sage, in particular production editor Imogen Roome and copyeditor Sarah Bury – they have had an incredibly positive influence on the book’s development and completion. I am indebted to Wendy Scott for the funky cover design and Camille Richmond and her team for their positive and proactive approach to raising awareness of the book.
Last, but never least, my children, Joshua and Miriam, and my wife, Suba, have been so positive and patient, particularly as writing this text strayed into most weekends over the last year. Without them this book would have been just an unrealised good intention – I can’t thank them enough.