Читать книгу How to Write Brilliant Psychology Essays - Paul Dickerson - Страница 9

Chapter 1 Catch the wave – how to seize the moment, overcome procrastination and write now


Before we start – in order to start – here’s a question: Why not start your essay? It’s all very well feeling panicked and telling yourself, ‘Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you’, but sometimes the essay remains stubbornly unwritten. Before reaching for our list of 115 motivational statements, just take a moment – you have a potential advantage over all the students of other disciplines: you are a psychologist! This chapter will support you in using some psychological insights on yourself to help you have a different perspective on your procrastination, to understand why you do it and to find ways that you can charm yourself into your work whatever your reasons for procrastinating.

In this chapter you will learn…

 How you can adopt a different and more empowering perspective on procrastination

 What your reasons for procrastinating may be and how each of them can be addressed

 How you can charm your way into starting your essay

How to Write Brilliant Psychology Essays

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